Battery Junction freebee saves the day


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
Battery Junction so kindly sent a free fauxton keychain light when thy shipped my order, a very nice touch. The son of the lady who cuts my wife and my hair is a 4 year old budding flashaholic who just loves flashlights. I always play with him with my lights, I always take various ones while Pat is getting her hair cut, so I gave him the freebee when
I got my hair cut last week, he LOVED it.

This morning the lady called and told me how last night he disappeared and eventually they went looking for him. It turned out he was stuck in the closet, somehow he went in to get a toy, and the only thing they coulf figure was the cat pushed the door closed by knocking over a small table, which wedged the door.

Well instead of wail, like he has in similar situtions in the dark, they found him sitting reading one of his books and playing by the light of the fauxton, well done :twothumbs
:goodjob: an up and coming flashaholic right there!! :thumbsup:

Those fauxton's"freebies" do come in handy,I used one to replace a blue tint led in my Inova micro light it has a white tint now :twothumbs
Certainly a Great story.

And a Happy Ending !

Thank you, Lee1959, for sharing that with us.

Thats an awesome story. Its amazing how sometimes, u think kids would freak out but they dont. Sometimes, they have more sense than some adults i know.
Thanks for the story, made my morning.
I think you'll find the story is not quite accurate... the child is a TRUE flashaholic and so locked himself in the closet so as to be able to make use of his new light.
Battery Junction so kindly sent a free fauxton keychain light when thy shipped my order, a very nice touch. The son of the lady who cuts my wife and my hair is a 4 year old budding flashaholic who just loves flashlights. I always play with him with my lights, I always take various ones while Pat is getting her hair cut, so I gave him the freebee when
I got my hair cut last week, he LOVED it.

This morning the lady called and told me how last night he disappeared and eventually they went looking for him. It turned out he was stuck in the closet, somehow he went in to get a toy, and the only thing they coulf figure was the cat pushed the door closed by knocking over a small table, which wedged the door.

Well instead of wail, like he has in similar situtions in the dark, they found him sitting reading one of his books and playing by the light of the fauxton, well done :twothumbs

Great story. At first your phrase "I always play with him with my lights" was a bit disturbing (haha, kidding). Think i shall give fauxtons to all my nephews and nieces too.
I gave a battery junction fauxton to both of my nephews, but they weren't very interested. One didn't care whatsoever, the other played with it for about 20 minutes and gave up.

It was night when I gave the lights to them, too. :thinking:
I think you'll find the story is not quite accurate... the child is a TRUE flashaholic and so locked himself in the closet so as to be able to make use of his new light.

That was my first thought when I read the story! :crackup:

Great story, I bet it made you feel good when you found out what happened.

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