I started using my Wasp barcode label printer to print a serial number for each battery, i picked an arbitrary starting number for each type of battery. Eneloops are 4000 series, Duraloops are 5000, standard Sanyo NiMh are 6000 and everything else, 9000 series. I used Wasp's AppGen software to write a program for their WDT-2200 hand held laser bar code scanner with a portable data terminal and 2MB of RAM.
Each time a battery is charged, refreshed, cycled or formed, the battery is scanned, the capacity is entered, and the results stored.
Once a month, I take the data from the reader, download it, and it automatically gets entered into an Excel spreadsheet. I am working now on a connector to output the excel data directly in to a database for future tracking.
Anyone out that that has access to one of the wasp barcode readers, and wants the software, I would be more than happy to send it.