Battery of the world?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2007
San Diego
Hey Flashpros,
New to the Torch scene, but I was just wondering, what is the most common battery in the world? The one that is most produced, and can be obtained anywhere, whether in an open market in some 3rd world country, to an ABC Story in the corner of Down town Waikiki? Though I love my A2 (and I'll prolly end up passing it on to my kids) and I love the experience of ordering SF123s every once in a while, I'd like to find a flashlight that will take this supposed common cell. (maybe a Draco w/ turbohead & AAA
;)) Thx for the help,

(dunno if this ? warranted a new thread, but I looked through most of the battery threads...sry in advance if a noob just put a blemish on this wonderful forum)

Yeah I second AA. Probably the most common battery out there with a good energy to cost/size ratio compared to AAA. AA used in almost everything battery powered.
There are more small gadgets than there are cars.
I'd say the order might be AA - AAA - small custom lithium-ion cells for gadgets and mobile phones - lead-acid car batteries - everything else.
I would say a 12V car battery is the most common, with the AA close.

Hmm .. even if you think that way. Saying for one for each car produced plus an extra 50% for spares made? But if you think about it again, There are like .. atleast 4 AA batteries in a package with some in a 20 pack. You can probably go into any store and find at least 50X more AA than car batteries in stock.
i dont know the facts about car batteries (could be a good answer if the question were "whats the most standarized energy source for a single application worldwide") but there were specific parts in the request that werent taken into account in that answer:

Hey Flashpros,
... and can be obtained anywhere, whether in an open market in some 3rd world country, to an ABC Story in the corner of Down town Waikiki? ...I'd like to find a flashlight that will take this supposed common cell...

I live in a 3rd world country (Perú) and AAs are the most common, inexpensive batteries with the best performance/price ratio here. AAAs are a FAR second.

cr123s are rare and expensive (mostly found on specialized photo stores)
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What he said.
Was going to say AA, but yup, car battery.
This fella is the most amazing lateral thinker.
I insist: AAs are far more plentiful than car batteries, and small LiIon packs too.
Think about it.
How many cars do you own? There's a good chance you only own one.
How many gadgets do you own? Flashlights, mp3 players, cell phones, PDAs, wall clocks, electric gas lighters, digicams, toys for children, bug zappers, radios... the list goes on. Each one of those needs either AAs, AAAs or lithium-ion cells.
You do the maths.
Thx for all of the great replys to my question. I wasn't even thinking of a Car battery, but thats awesome too. Manoloco, Thx for your input, especially since you're from a 3rd world Country.(Surprised that your first post would be to answer another new guys post) Thx again torch gurus!


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