Battery Options


Newly Enlightened
Aug 21, 2004

I've just bought an Olight M20 R2 (well it's in the mail) and I plan to back that up with fenix tk11 soon and also a P1D Q5.

I plan to use mostly AW's rechargeable 18650's and CRC123A's.

My question is what is the golden rule (if one exists) for the above batteries to power the above lights?

I've seen bits and pieces on the net of where its acceptable to use 3.7v batts in 6v lights and but not in Incans, only LEDS? Or vice versa etc etc.

Then there's protected and not protected cells...... what's better.

The other thing I need to consider is I'll still be keeping my current G2 setup (p61 lamp and a lite saver multifunction tail cap) so I want to get batteries that will not effect that set up's Incan performance.

And then 4sevens has a AW's R17670 which seems to be just a single cell @1600mah that replaces 2 RCR123A's @ 1500mah. What's the deal there?

+ what's the best dual bay charger that can charge 18650's and 123A's? 4sevens seems to be offering a 'Ultrafire' dual bay charger.

Also in the future, i plan to purchase a Z2 and drop in a Malkoff M60 (haven't decided whether i'll just go for the M60 and sacrifice the runtime for huge output and throw and or if i'll be slightly conservative and go for the M60L) so i'll need to look at 123a's for that setup.

So in short, I'm being slightly lazy and naieve and wanting a crash course in batteries from you guys rather than me trawling the net for research or reviving my high school physics.

Can you help?

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How about getting this guy some help because I'm sort of in th same boat. I just purchased the same light (Olight M20 Warrior Premium R2).

I don't know much about these lights and know nothing at all about the batteries. I need some input on what batteries to use or what would be my best options. Should I use regular, rechargable, 16340, 18650, 17670 etc.

Looking foward to getting some help on the issue.

Well, not to be snippy about this, but the 'golden rule' is to look at the sticky at the top of the page: 'threads of interest'. There are several that deal with Li-ion compatability :poke:.
However, as a general rule, CR123's incan torches CANNOT use rechargeable RCR123 (some LED CR123 torches, however, can, but they will so state in the product description). 18650, 18500, 17670 (or whatever it is) Li-ions can only be used in torches that are specifically designed for them. If the torch you are interested in can use one of these, the webpage will proudly and prominently say so; if there is doubt, then it cannot use Li-ions.
ONLY led lights might work with other battery configuration than originally planned. The reason is that there is a DRIVER in them that (hopefully) covers changes in input voltage.
Even with that You have to look at the lights specs., if all those different cells are allowed or not.

With incans its easy: No chance
a light running on 2 CR123s will maybe glow with a single 18650, possibly not. But still draws a high current - bad on cell
the other way round: a single 18650 bulb will immediately :poof: on 2 CR123s

PS: I am very disappointed on Fenix years-long refuse to give a good 18650 light,
thats why I advise to look for one of the Jetbeam Jet III I.B.S. models instead of the TK11.
They are great
Thanks Guys, appreciate the feedback/comments.

Guess i'm on my own in regards to finding a 'good' charger that can charge 18650's as well as RCR123's?

Does anyone make filters for M20's or TK11's? There a few black hawk filter that might fit via slight human intervention but i haven't seem much on the market that is specifically made for the light.

Any thoughts?
Hello IlikeLEDS,

The Pila IBC charger works well for 18650 cells, and with a spacer it also does well with R-CR123 cells.


I've just bought an Olight M20 R2 (well it's in the mail) and I plan to back that up with fenix tk11 soon and also a P1D Q5.

I plan to use mostly AW's rechargeable 18650's and CRC123A's.

My question is what is the golden rule (if one exists) for the above batteries to power the above lights?

I've seen bits and pieces on the net of where its acceptable to use 3.7v batts in 6v lights and but not in Incans, only LEDS? Or vice versa etc etc.

Then there's protected and not protected cells...... what's better.

The other thing I need to consider is I'll still be keeping my current G2 setup (p61 lamp and a lite saver multifunction tail cap) so I want to get batteries that will not effect that set up's Incan performance.

And then 4sevens has a AW's R17670 which seems to be just a single cell @1600mah that replaces 2 RCR123A's @ 1500mah. What's the deal there?

+ what's the best dual bay charger that can charge 18650's and 123A's? 4sevens seems to be offering a 'Ultrafire' dual bay charger.

Also in the future, i plan to purchase a Z2 and drop in a Malkoff M60 (haven't decided whether i'll just go for the M60 and sacrifice the runtime for huge output and throw and or if i'll be slightly conservative and go for the M60L) so i'll need to look at 123a's for that setup.

So in short, I'm being slightly lazy and naieve and wanting a crash course in batteries from you guys rather than me trawling the net for research or reviving my high school physics.

Can you help?


I'm very sorry, but there is not quick simple golden rule for this type of question. It's not a can of worms, it's an entire bucket, maybe a barrel. I could certainly jot down a few things you can do, but I guarantee you would then ask "why can't I do this, won't this work, what about this" and I could just tell you to take it or leave it, or spend a really LONG time explaining the "why...."

Posts like yours, filled to the brim with questions that have nothing but long complicated answers was my original reason for compiling as much information as I have had time to include into 2 separate li-ion "guides."

You will find links to them in my signature, and yes, they are pretty long. Unfortunately, fully answering your questions requires just about that much text :)


Now I'm going to jot down configuration ideas for you to ponder anyways to get you rolling:

Protected AW 18650, it will run with diminishing output but extended runtime.
sell it and replace with an eagletac T10L to get regulated output on an 18650 :), but loose backwards compatibility with CR123s.

Protected AW 18650, it will run with diminishing output but extended runtime.
sell it, and pick some other 18650 optimized flashlight..but loose backwards compatibility with CR123s.

P1D Q5
definitely sell this one or set it up as a backup light on CR123 primary cells, there are no good rechargeable options here.... You would have to get a dedicated set of less than desirable cells of a different chemistry, and it's own charger...
Replace with one of the MANY 1xCR123 lights on the market that are compatible with protected 3.7V RCR123s. You'll find that most of them are, while the P1D and P2D are some of the only ones that are not... Just as an example, check out the Olight T10 series.

Remove the P61, install a LumensFactory HO-9, run a pair of IMR16340 3.7V cells from AW in it. Runtime and output will be about the same as the P61 was on primary CR123s, but it will be rechargeable.

A pair of 3.7V protected RCR123s will work fine here, a single protected 3.7V 17670 with a M30 is an alternative that will possibly have slightly better runtime but will not be backwards compatible with CR123s.
