Battery problem


Newly Enlightened
Jan 11, 2008
I've just received a battery from Battery space for my iBlaast light.
It's a 14.8v 4800mAh Li-on 4 cell unit.

Only it doesn't seem to be working.

I've tested it with a voltage meter and I'm only getting a reading of 8.4v.

I've also tested the charger which is pushing out 16.8v when not charging.

If I connect the charger to the battery and test the battery while it's being charged I get a reading of 8.4v, as soon as the charger stops charging but still connected to the battery I get a reading of 16.8v from the battery.

Please has anyone got any advice.:mecry:
Connect it to 10W 6V halogen bulb when after one hour voltage drops to 7,7V or something about that, you have 7,2 4,8Ah pack with wrong label...
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2 parallel pairs of 4 cells in series?

Perhaps they wired it oddly and made it 4 parallel pairs of 2 cells in series?? Or if it actually is 4 cell, then just 2 parallel pairs of 2 cells in series?

The pack does have 8 cells but I think it must connected up wrongly.

It's s strange that the charger stops charging as soon as hits 8.42v.
......... time to send it back!
at the very least they owe you an apology and a full refund of your return shipping costs as well as a replacement battery of the correct spec.
Good news I have spoken to Battery space and they are sending me a new battery pack and I don't have to send back the faulty pack.

They conceded that it is probably a 7.4v battery so now i have a spare battery:thumbsup: which i could use to power an AYUP light for my other bike or as a head light.

Any thoughts as to how long the pack would take to drain given it has 8 cells?