BD Icon mod?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 28, 2007
Anyone had any success modding a BD icon yet?
I've read others say that they think it's under-driven,
and given that it's slightly less bright than my UF C3, I'd tend to agree. So, I'm wondering whether putting in a cree or rebel would even make much of a difference.

I read in an older cpf post that a luxeon would be better suited for the spot than a cree. Can anyone confirm that? Anyone know where to buy a rb100 for cheap? All I could find at dx was an rb080:

Any suggestions for good/ideal replacement candidates for the floods would be appreciated too...
for the floods I would look into the new NICHIA Led's, check the dealer board here.

The emitter/reflector assembly was a pain to work with. I'm not sure if the second generation ICON received internal upgrades as well as reflector.

to get a good beam with the cree the reflector required heavy modification. but worked really well once it was dialed it.

I would try an SSC or Rebel to start.

with the mod I saw a 1 mode increase in brightness:
Medium-modded was brighter than high-unmodded.

good luck with the mod! Let us know how things work out.