Beamcover for 1.25" bezel's


Feb 22, 2008
Ft. Worth, TX
Im looking for a beamcover to put over my G2 so the lens doesn't get scratched when not in use. I can't bring myself to pay for the fancy SureFire beamcover. Anyone have any kind of DIY beamcover ideas they would like to share? I was thinking just get a strip of duct tape and cover the light but I don't want the tape to stick to the lens itself and don't wanna deal with the sticky residue on the bezel.

Also, if you've got any ideas for a similar DIY beam diffuser, I'd love to hear it. I was using Scotch tape which works wonderfully but I would like a removable one. I may end up paying for the SureFire beam diffuser if I can't find something that will work the way I want it to...
Well, I will probably end up getting the FM34 for my C3 but I don't wanna shell out ~$30 for something just to keep scratches off my G2. It rolls around in the toolbox in my truck and I don't wanna risk scratching it.

EDIT: I found THIS which looks like it should work perfectly. A 4-pack for $7 shipped
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I bet that would do it.

Another idea is to get one of the Surefire nylon holsters that has a cover flap. I just picked one up (the V25 model with metal belt clip) and it fits the G2 or 6P perfectly.

Note: That particular model (V25) doesn't fit the G2 or 6P if you have one of the beam filters or diffuser attached.

Surefire's accessories aren't cheap, that's for sure.
I gave it a try myself today on a Jet-II I.B.S. and it was a perfect fit. I'm tempted to throw some red filter gel in there to see what kind of results it gives on low.

On the subject of filters, I've also used my inkjet printer & printable transparencies that I had sitting around from the ancient past to make coloured & neutral density filters for flashlights. It worked surprisingly well with a PT Eos headlamp between the optic and lens to give a very low low.


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