Beamshot of LF5XT vs. D10?

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Might be able to get some in a few more days. I'm sure some others here have both - just off the top of my head I think gunga might have both. I think beamshots don't really tell the whole story but from what I've read so far the LF5XT has a very nice beam. I'm quite happy with the D10 and EX10 beams.
Hey there. I don't expect my D10 for a week or so (slow delivery up here).

The LF5XT has a beautiful smooth beam, no rings, bright spill. It is however quite a bit narrower than most beams.

That can be a good thing since:

- it's smooth, so good at close range, especially with a fairly low low (2-4 lumens?)
- It's bright spill looks a bit more like a Surefire L1 type beam, so good for outdoor use since wide (dimmer) spill is not so useful at medium range.

I have not tested it outdoors yet, so can't say...
If we had a new thread for discussing all the different possible comparison permutations, there would be literally thousands of new threads.

If we added to that figure other threads merely asking whether anyone had yet considered these comparisons, there would be thousands more.

There has to be a sensible limit. On that basis this thread falls short, so I'm closing it.
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