Beamshot request: TT2L and Arc-LSH


Newly Enlightened
Mar 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
Does anyone out there have (or could make) a beamshot comparing the Arc-LSH with the Incandescent mode of the Streamlight TwinTask 2L? I'm intregued by the comment at that the TT2L is only good for short to long range tasks because it doesn't focus down very far. I own an Arc-LSHP so that would be a usefull point of reference for me.

I would also be very interested in comments from anyone that owns both as far as how they compare throw wise and perceived brightness when used outside or where ever.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2001
Well, the TT2L at 26 feet can only light a surface with 1 Lux of light. 1 Lux is a pretty pathetic amount of light, so you'd want to use it at ranges of less than 26 feetfor anything close to effective lighting.

The Arc LSHP will only light a surface at 22 feet with 1 lux, so here again, use at ranges of less than 22 feet for anything close to effective lighting.

Now overall, the TT2L puts out over twice the light of an Arc LSHP, indicating that it has a wider beam and probably lights up a wider surface area.

This information comes from my comparison charts.

Hopefully that helps a little?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
Wow - Thanks Quickbeam! That is very helpful! You may want to consider adding a note to your graphs web page that the throw value is the approximate distance that a light will light an object with 1 lux - that makes it much easier to put it into perspective.

I find it frustrating that Streamlight made the TT2L with such a wide beam. I can understand that they had to make the focus soft to cover up the holes left by the LEDs, but it seems to me that they sacrificed too much throw in the process.

If someone could come up with a flashlight that was small enough for EDC, could throw at least 50 feet, had three or four LEDs for backup and close range stuff and was under $40 or so they could have a real winner.

Maybe I'm asking the impossible, but the Xenergy 3in1 is really close to those specs. They just need to make it a bit lighter and less bulky.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2002
Tennessee., USA
I was going to quote Quickbeams site, but he already gave you the figures.

From my experience with my Arc LSL, there is no contest in Lumens. The TT puts out a lot more light.


Oct 17, 2003
North Carolina
I don't have beamshots - but I own an LSH-P, a TT 2L and a Surefire E2e. The TT 2L is a good light, with some useful features. But it is a compromise light. Let me elaborate.

The Surefire E2e has a beautiful beam with nicely balanced throw and spill (i.e. a well balanced light, one reason it is so popular)

The LSH-P has a beautiful beam with nicely balanced hotspot and spill, it is perhaps the most useful light I've encountered for 95% of what I use a light for - around the house stuff, just very well balanced for EDC and utility use.

The TT 2L in LED mode is not as good as the LSH-P and not as nice in incandescent mode as the E2e. But it costs about 1/6 of what those other two lights cost, and both beams while not the ideal, are very very useful. The 3 leds are definitely brighter than an ARC AAA or CMG Infinity Ultra, they're well positioned and well focused, and run for quite awhile on the two 123s. The xenon is bright if not tightly focused, but it is focused enough to be useful for most tasks other than spotting deer at 50 yards. As a task light, they are both useful beams. And it is very well constructed, tight fit and finish across the board, tanklike case, inexpensive replacement xenon bulbs and OK runtime (very good with LEDs).

There are times when I'm about to tackle a project and I do throw the TT2L into my pocket rather than carrying both the LSH-P and E2e, and it has been useful in those circumstances. I'm thinking it my become my new car light, with lithiums and both beams it would be a nice light to have in my glove box rather than my 3D Maglite.

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