So the smallest clicky flashlight I know of is the discontinued Nebo Lumo

Of course this is oriented towards glow and required the 3 small disposable coin cells so it wasn't particularly practical. I've always wanted a teeny little keychain clicky flashlight though that provided a better beam than the pure short range flood you can get with your phone. There are a million brilliant keychain lights that will fill this criteria... except for the tail clicky part, it seems...
My old Lumo has long sense broken and was tossed in the trash, but if I had it today I wonder if a 10180 battery would fit inside and if there was a more conventional head unit that would fit on the threads. Or, even better, what about a triple 10180 in parallel? Such a thing is tantalizingly close to fitting inside an 18350 sized tube and would have about 240 mah total. I did a quick mockup of such a form factor out of some parts I happened to have laying around, you'll have to forgive the crudeness - it could have an E switch in the back to save space, and protrusions like the Nebo to allow for tail sitting and attaching a keychain. The back button could be high (on and off), while the side button could be moonlight (on and off) and lockout (double tap). There could even be a little clip for a hat brim.
Would you be interested in a light similar to this? Or am I the only one?

Of course this is oriented towards glow and required the 3 small disposable coin cells so it wasn't particularly practical. I've always wanted a teeny little keychain clicky flashlight though that provided a better beam than the pure short range flood you can get with your phone. There are a million brilliant keychain lights that will fill this criteria... except for the tail clicky part, it seems...
My old Lumo has long sense broken and was tossed in the trash, but if I had it today I wonder if a 10180 battery would fit inside and if there was a more conventional head unit that would fit on the threads. Or, even better, what about a triple 10180 in parallel? Such a thing is tantalizingly close to fitting inside an 18350 sized tube and would have about 240 mah total. I did a quick mockup of such a form factor out of some parts I happened to have laying around, you'll have to forgive the crudeness - it could have an E switch in the back to save space, and protrusions like the Nebo to allow for tail sitting and attaching a keychain. The back button could be high (on and off), while the side button could be moonlight (on and off) and lockout (double tap). There could even be a little clip for a hat brim.
Would you be interested in a light similar to this? Or am I the only one?

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