Beamshots of G2 KL5 and Inova T3 Tiros


Sep 25, 2006
Thanks TeaQue for the help. I uploaded the pictures however when you click on them they are very small. Boy I sure don't know what I'm doing.
I was also one of those who was pulling my hair out trying to post beamshots until a few kind cpf'rs helped me out.

Here is how I did it.
1.Posted pics to flikr---Its FREE!!!
2. post new thread at cpf...text...
3. open another browser and pull up your account on flikr.
4. Click on immage, then click on "all sizes" over the image.
5. Choose a size, usually medium for my shots.
6. Once the medium pic comes up, right click on it and go to properties. You will see a jpg file name of the pic. Highlight it and right click again. Select copy.
7. click on your cpf browser and click the Insert Image icon (blue mountain, yellow background)
8. Paste your jpg location and click ok...should work.

Sorry about all the detailed instructions...I am not very computer literate, and even after it was explained to me, it took me several times to get it right.

Also...Thanks for the advance.

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