Been away a long time.....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
And now feel that I'm ready to come back :)

Actually, times have been difficult, circumstances have taken me far away. It seems, sometimes we need to endure misfortune to truly understand what we have. They are not over yet, but I shouldn't waste any more time.

Either way, I feel it's time to return to where I came from and this is one of the places I am revisiting. I have finally found time to sit down and even look at a new acquisition I might want to make - and guess what it is... nothing fancy, nothing outrageous, just a simple straightforward E1L. But what it reminds me of, is where it all began. And that is a good thing. The essentials have not changed.

So....what is new and who's missed me?
Hi KevinL
I don't think we've corresponded much but I have always enjoyed you polite, informed posts. And I think you have inspired me into a few purchases.......
Welcome back and I hope you enjoy some more.....
Great to hear from all of you guys too :) thanks for the warm welcome :)

Glasses are the same as always, I am still half blind.. that's why I need a light :D :candle:
I don't know you personally but welcome back. And a E1L is a great choice IMO.
Thanks Marnav :)

I am also catching up on SF's 2007 catalog. It seems that Ginseng made the catalog (look for "Midnight shoveler"). GO GINSENG!!!!!!! :D

(has anybody seen Ginseng or has he been away even longer than I have?)
Looks like I picked a wonderful time to come back - the Surefire E1L, L1, and a few others just received huge performance upgrades (as much as 200% for some!) with new LEDs. I have completely missed all of that.. it's time to catch up.'s time to BUY!
Not time to buy SF CREEs yet because they won't be out for another 2-3 months. But welcome back!
Welcome back sir!

E1L is like an old friend. Everytime I try to say he has seen his day, I realize with the F04 it is a very very nice and versitile torch!
Welcome back Kev,
I've been through some phases myself. Tough in't it...
Good to know there's a place to come back to though, tough as it is.

Funny you mention a single light. The E1e is particularly enticing to me now.
Back to basics I guess.
bfg: thanks for that info, I think I will defer my E1L purchase. I really want one of the new Cree E1L's.

manzerick: After all these years.. my E1e+KL1 (wasn't even an E1L, was a 3rd-gen KL1 added as a field upgrade) is still a valued EDC. I say it ain't a real KL1 till it's got that NX05 star-shaped beam pattern. :D (I know the 4th gen is different)

nekomane: Great to see you again! :) one of the better parts of my journey (well, there were one or two bright spots) was the DSLR adventure. Current gear list is 30D, 5D, 17-40/4, 24-105/4 IS, 70-200/4 IS, 100-400 and then some.. :D :D :D thank you for advising me during those early days.. we have come a long, LONG way.
Hey Kev...

It has been some time!
Glad to see ya pop by again!
Hope you still into hotwires. Cannot forget how you brightened my viewpoint with the USL and the 35W HID kit!
Tom: Great to see you too and thanks for the research on the Eneloop cells. I finally got hold of 4 of them, have been using them for applications where I require long standby times.

falconz: Now it's up to you to go build your own 35W HID.. it's quite simple really, 12 volt source --> ballast --> bulb, just like a LED and its regulator/converter board.. :D

I will build another pair when I have time, perhaps early next year.
Oh that one can wait. Hah. Till I have sufficient funds for another round of modding. Generally I have stopped all purchases for a while and can be considered cured of flashaholism....(yeah right)!

Interested in the cree led? You can also check out the SSC led and the upcoming luxeon rebel.
Although I don't know you, I'd like to say welcome back! :) It's good to see people return here despite what is going on in their lives. Hope things continue to get better for you!