Benchmade griptilian thread!!!


Oct 5, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
Well I know the griptilian is a popular model, and alot of you guys have some version of the Benchmade Griptilian, so share your pictures, stories, and thoughts on them! I decided to make a very short video of mine just shaving soem bark off a branch...the video is more or less just a size reference to a full size grip in my hands, also included is 2 pics of my grip in pieces...I decided to take it apart to clean it and see what was going on inside...didn't take long to clean and put back together! Enjoy, I look forward to seeing all of yours!




What, no more pics from anyone?

I can't post any, as I don't have a Griptilian. I just wanted to say thanks for those pics where you had taken it apart, it's always interesting to see what's inside things and how they are put together. Good job!
Your welcome...I know some of these CPF guys have these griptilians, they must me asleep, lol...Ok, I guess we can turn this inot a thread about all and any knife taken apart? I would be interested to see that as well...ALL knives welcome!
Cool. I still want a mini grip. Looks like it's pretty fast to open!

Very easy and fast to take apart...putting it back together was not so bad either, although I spent about 15 minutes trying to line the pivot screw up with the blade until I realized that I needed to push down on the axis lock while doing so, lol, I felt pretty stupid after figuring it out...So thats my biggest tip to anyone who wants to take their grip
I have (2) Griptillian's but they're both Mini's. I prefer their size for EDC. One of them is a standard black verson and the other one (my favorite) is the Doug Ritter version.
Well, I posted pics of mine in another thread, so I don't want to use up too much bandwidth.

Here are some clickable thumbnails of them, though...

The glare off this Mini-Grip' may have more candle power than a Mag-Lite!

LOL, actualy I like that, but just can't get over the fact its pink, but they say a real man can wear a pink shirt, why not use a pink knife, I know the sheeple won't be too scared of it, lol...On the plus side, I know a portion of the benafits for those pink grips goes to breast cancer, which is always nice...:twothumbs
I have a mini grip en route from Cabelas. (cashed in some points) it is the black handle/blade - serrated/straight. I'll throw up a pic when I get it.
I just got my first one today. It's a great knife for the money, and the size is perfect for a backup knife. I bought the mini, BTW....
To each his own. The normal Griptilian is too huge for me. Which is why I never use mine.

I find the full size to be a bit on the bulky side in the pocket, but not enough for me to not carry it...By design it is a bit wider in the handle than alot of folders its size...
To each his own. The normal Griptilian is too huge for me. Which is why I never use mine.
To me, these pocket knives just don't offer adequate blade size for outdoor tasks. I've just got a Benchmade Rukus, it makes all my other folders look like girly toys. No more tiny knives for me... I don't carry knives in the city, therefore size ins't an issue. Gimme a mean looking fully-sized blade anytime!
For me the large size is too big, and the mini size is too small. I wish they made a medium side Griptilian. That would be just right.
The mini is way too "mini" for my taste. The regular Grip is adequate... but the fixed Griptilian is clearly the better one.
To each their own. Each size is designed for a particular task, so just because it doesn't fit for your tasks doesn't make it worse or inferior. It just doesn't fit what you need. I carry my mini-Grip at work to avoid scaring the sheeple, and I polished parts to make it look more like a gentleman's knife. When I'm out and about, I carry either my 812 or my 710. For outdoors, I'll carry my 710 or a 4"+ fixed blade.
When I got my grip (and it's all your fault!) it was great, fit nice in hand, pocket, and the axis lock! pop, pop, pop! My GF thought I was being silly. Then she started using it, and now it's hers! (though she keeps it in her purse) so I had to get another, and got a 710, but axis rocks!