I tend to think the kind of light people prefer is influenced somewhat by their lifestyle. I've seen a lot of people on these forums say they prefer 3500K or 4100K for interior lighting, with a smaller percentage even preferring 2700K or 3000K. At first this seemed odd given that we evolved under a ~5500K light source, but now I think I know why. In a word, it's lifestyle. Think about the light sources an average person is exposed to. First they wake up, and usually leave for work or school when the sun is low in the sky. Hence they're exposed to natural light with a CCT in the low 4000s at best, even lower in the winter. Now they arrive at work or school. These days most places use either 3500K or 4100K T8s. They may or may not go out of the building during midday for lunch. Even if they do, exposure to midday sun at a higher CCT is comparatively low. Finally, they leave for home. By then the sun is low in the sky. Again, more light with a CCT in the low 4000s, perhaps even less. Basically, they're exposed all day to either natural or artificial light with a CCT in the mid 3000s to low 4000s. To them anything much different just looks "wrong". Granted, many might light their homes with 2700K incandescent, and this may be tolerable, but in general if asked to choose among a variety of light sources, they would probably also go with 3500K for home.
Now consider those of us who either don't work "normal" hours, don't work at all, or may spend considerable time outdoors. As a child I spend lots of time outdoors, mostly bike riding. I still cycle, but mostly at night. However, I go for walks, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night. And I'll do gardening, occasionally at times when the sun is highest in the sky. Between my childhood and lifestyle now, I have a lot of exposure to midday sunlight. As a result, 5000K or thereabouts looks "normal" to me. My eyeballs are permanently calibrated to it. Anything much different just looks wrong. I can tolerate 4100K, even 3500K, just fine, but it's not ideal for me. I totally can't stand 2700K. Couldn't stand it 40 years ago, can't stand it now. It isn't even borderline tolerable for me. On the other end, 6500K seems a little off, but I don't have the reaction of it being horribly blue like lots of people do.
Basically, if we spent more time outdoors, as we did 100 years ago, I'd venture to guess almost everyone would prefer 5000K.