Best Flashlight using 1xAAA or 1AA? (to use on keychain)


Newly Enlightened
Nov 3, 2008
Hi all,

I am looking for something very small, powerful and reliable.
The purpose is to have a backup/showoff light on my car's keychain.
Also, this is something that i would carry 90% of the time when i am outside my house (attached to my keychain) or 100% in reach when i am inside my house as i keep the car keys in a place thats easily reachable even where there is no power and complete darkness.

My thought is that if its a 1xAAA, it would be small and wont make a difference on my pocket and also AAAs and AAs are sold in every corner and pawn shops. Please correct me if i am choosing the wrong battery type after reading my purpose.

I am leaning towards Fenix L0D-CE Q4 CREE LED FLASHLIGHT (75 Lumen Torch), at $47 on ebay.
5 output types: 30 Lumens(3.5hrs) -> 11 Lumens(8.5hrs) -> 75 Lumens(1hrs) ->Strobe -> SOS

Are there any other new or better lights? compared to the Fenix L0D?
As i said, it should be reliable in case of emergencies also should be a 'Wow' element.

Supposing i load a new AAA battery in a Fenix L0D and as usual a little abuse happens because of the Wow factor, how long can a single battery be used in conditions like that? how long can a battery still have good power if not used for any real purpose other than friends checking it out?
I hope you got what i am saying ?

The light that i want to buy as i said should be useful in emergencies.
Should be a great path finder in dark (outdoors).
Should be a nice candle for power failures back home.

Please advice.
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+1 on Fenixstore and 4-7s. Free shipping and superb CS

Also check the E01. I have one and plan on getting a cpl more. Cheap and reliable though not very brite or impressive to others.
If you want a keychain light that is bright, forget about the E01. It isn't. Moreover, many people complain that the tint of this light is purple. This model's strengths are its inexpensive price and long runtime. I think I would go with LOD or the soon to be released LD01. If strobe or SOS is important to you get the LOD Q4 now why they are still available.

Edit: 4-Sevens reports today that the LD01 is NOW available and back orders are being shipped.
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swordfish2, I would highly recommend the Fenix L0D, I've carried mine for a couple years now, and it is bright, reliable, and has good battery life. It's also very small, to the point where you hardly notice it's in your pocket.

I have had countless occasions where it has been incredibly useful, including a power outage in the warehouse I work in where it was the ONLY light my group had to get us out of the warehouse safely:twothumbs!

I wouldn't be without it.
I'm not going to get into the light wars, but I do want to make a comment about carrying extra things on your Car keychain. Several years ago, we had what was first a rather scary experience with my wife's car. We were traveling 400 miles to her parents, and then another 400 to my parents, for Christmas. With two very young kids, it just worked better to leave about 2am so they would sleep a good portion of the drive. Well, lo and behold, soon after we leave and take our first potty/stretch break, the car heater blower doesn't work. As long as we were moving, the minimal flow-through ventilation kept the car above freezing, but it was rather scary not knowing why the blower had stopped and wondering what else might go wrong in the middle of the night on the Interstate. We found out a couple of stops later that the problem was the ignition switch. After pressing the key all the way over to Start, it apparently would not totally return to the Run position by itself. If one helped it along a little bit then the blower worked and everyone was happy. Now, my wife usually had about a dozen keys on her keyring. Our theory is that the extra weight in a lateral direction (down!) wore out the switch housing to the point that the internal spring was not capable of completing it's function.

So you can see why I am not totally enamored with having anything other than the car keys and maybe a house key on my car key ring. Just something to keep in mind when you are talking about carrying an EDC on your key ring.:thumbsup:
Good point, Timothy --

I've heard (and read) similar reports, myself.

And i've seen some amazingly Heavy keychains !

Swordfish2 - what's your budget?

If you can afford it, ARC Mania has an absolutely amazing AAA light going for $130, a special version Extreme III. An honest 80 lumens at 50% power level, with lots more available if you need it.

Just a suggestion.
I'd like to suggest the Photon Rex, which is returning to stores. You can charge it with anything up to 3 volts, can be incredibly bright or incredibly dim, I assume very lightweight and definately has a showoff factor to it.
Swordfish2 - what's your budget?

If you can afford it, ARC Mania has an absolutely amazing AAA light going for $130, a special version Extreme III. An honest 80 lumens at 50% power level, with lots more available if you need it.

Just a suggestion.

William, anything around $50 is ok. But anything beyond $50 for a keychain sounds like wasting money.

KeukaLite, thanks for sharing your experience.

BabyDoc, LD01 looks like an improved light but i want to have Strobe and SOS. So,..

Timothybil, I will defenitely keep that in mind, thanks for sharing your scary experience, i wouldn't have come to know about that if you didnt share. I'll take care. Thanks much.

Finally, I think i am going with Fenix L0D-CE Q4 as many of you are supporting it.
William, anything around $50 is ok. But anything beyond $50 for a keychain sounds like wasting money.
Finally, I think i am going with Fenix L0D-CE Q4 as many of you are supporting it.

You want black or natural? I have a black one that shows some wear around the tail (which it's going to get on your keychain), sell it to you for $35 mailed Conus.
