Best LED for a P2D Mod


Apr 14, 2008
Arkansas, USA, Earth
I have an older Fenix P2D CE (P4 emitter). I don't care for the ringy Cree emitters, and, frankly, the one on this light seems bluer than the ones on my DX AA lights. I don't have a Q5, so this problem may be lessening. Granted, I may just be spoiled because my other P2D is a nice, warm Rebel 100.

Here are some ideas that I have. Please give feedback on the following.

- can the P2D CE be modded to accept this emitter?
- will the light be blueish?

Rebel emitter:
- what is the latest Rebel emitter? Rebel 100?
- can the P2D CE be modded to accept this emitter?

Cree R2:
- will this light be significantly brighter?
- will this light be less ringy? less blue?

Thank you all in advance for any input.
jag-engr said:
I have an older Fenix P2D CE (P4 emitter). I don't care for the ringy Cree emitters, and, frankly, the one on this light seems bluer than the ones on my DX AA lights. I don't have a Q5, so this problem may be lessening. Granted, I may just be spoiled because my other P2D is a nice, warm Rebel 100.

Here are some ideas that I have. Please give feedback on the following.
jag-engr said:
- can the P2D CE be modded to accept this emitter?
- will the light be blueish?
The P2D can be modded with a P7, but it would be a significant amount of work. You would also need a textured reflector. This would be a very floody light, and it would not have much throw. As far as tint goes, if it is WO tint, you should be in a nice white territory.

jag-engr said:
Rebel emitter:
- what is the latest Rebel emitter? Rebel 100?
- can the P2D CE be modded to accept this emitter?
The Rebel 100 is the best at this time. I can't really comment on the use of a Rebel in the P2D. I think that it would require the LED to be shimmed upward into the reflector, though.
jag-engr said:
Cree R2:
- will this light be significantly brighter?
- will this light be less ringy? less blue?

The R2 would be a lot brighter. It would not be less ringy, because it is still a CREE. The blueness would depend on the tint that you choose. If you get something like WC, WD, WG or WH tint, you would be in the white to warm range. WC is very white, but can venture into the bluish range. A CREE upgrade would be the easiest mod, with a big jump in performance. To get rid of the rings, buy a textured reflector and swap it when you upgrade to the R2.
jag-engr said:
Thank you all in advance for any input.
With the smooth reflector, the Cree R2 is probably the easiest replacement. While you have the head open, you might just need to play with the height of the Cree in relation to the reflector. I have a P2D-CE (quite a greenie, but that's beside the point) with a smooth reflector that's got a fairly wide spot and barely noticeable rings when white-wall hunting. In use, it's not an issue, and the beam is actually pretty nice.
I'm hanging on to it to replace the Cree with something brighter and whiter, probably an R2 unless something higher comes out soon.
In the meantime, I snagged an Olight T10 Q5, and actually find the beam from it a little more limited, in terms of real-world use. It's quite a thrower, with a very bright small hotspot and a noticeably dimmer spill. It seems like the emitter depth is just a little off, but the head is sealed pretty tight, so I won't be messing with it.
Thanks guys!

It sounds like my best bet would be to keep the new emitter in the same family - probably a Cree R2.

Any recommendations on who to have do the mod? I don't know if I want to begin my flashlight modding with this light.