Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
I am a pro drag racer /speed shop owner on the side. I was at a swap meet ( like a flee market with car parts and such)

I saw a table with flashlights..ALL of you know I had to check it out.Alot of the usual copies and junk..shower heads and such. Quite a few you see on ebay.

Then I saw it !!

Box said " Worlds brightest handheld flashlight" The box claimed somthing like 96 000 000 000 micro candella or micro candlepower somthing heh

It had 26..YES I said 26 "cree" LEDs and 24+ hours run time to boot.
Light was made in..get this "Chiawan"..all for 13 bucks!!!

The guy let me fire it up first. Was 20 somthing normal LEDs not cree..1/2 were not working.Was very flimsey and 1/5 of a thread held the head on...instructions had a warning somthing about DO NOT TIGHTEN HEAD WILL CAUSE DAMAGE..beam was dim,sad and quite blue.

I busted out my Tiny T5 amilight.and he laughed..they I hit the button and blinded him. He said it was the brightest light he had ever seen and asked if it had a "magnesium" filiment or somthing AND it was easily 15+ million candlepower.

It blows me away just how many crappy..scratch that.>REALLY crappy lights are for sale.And how many people buy them.

lol I may retire from cool flashlights when the 100 LED mark is broken haha
my brother bet me in less then a year they will have 100+..we have seen 50 or so in "shower head config"

enough ranting
my 2 cents
I have bought in ebay past 2 months a led flashlight with 158 leds. But i don't think it is worth buying, too much resistance, a bit big, battery lasts 1 hour, and the light afterall has output about like 2 seoul p4 bulbs...
The only thing that is worth is taking this flashlight and modding it with 7 seoul p4 leds to get 1500 lumens with 3 1/2D batteries, there is enough space.
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I do not say this often , but...R O F L !!

Please tell me that link to "128" LED shower head is a fake..made up by a CPFr as a joke.

If not im not sure I can make it through the day.

Common fess up who ever made that.!!!
Ooh 158 LED. Must resist....

My 100 LED runs great on 3D cells, especially since I removed the resistor. Pulls a couple of amps but nimh D's can take it easy and give me hours of light. Well it would only the head overheats after 10 minutes. :D
It had 26..YES I said 26 "cree" LEDs and 24+ hours run time to boot.
It's possible they were using years-old Cree 5mm LEDs, and not at all referring to XR-Es.

Although it would be absurdly expensive, imagine if someone were to mount 50 XR-Es into a showerhead configuration, with no reflectors or anything, and some kind of big diffuser over the whole thing... although it would just as efficient, and significantly cooler, to make a handheld "lightsaber" flashlight that used a 4-foot fluorescent tube as a light source :D

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