Best reflector and lens for P7 Mag (thrower)?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 24, 2007
United States
I really hate the beam of my cut down stock reflector. It has some rings and is full of artifacts--but it does seem to throw nicely. I'd really like to get something else but need some recommendations from you guys. I'd also like to get a glass lens.

Here is what I'm looking for:
- Lens/reflector combo must still allow for the outer ring of the Mag head to tighten down completely (an absolute must)
- Nice smooth beam with great emphasis on throw

So what would be the best combo?

Thanks in advance everyone,
I use the reflector and lens from DX. Actually I use 2 lenses and the bezel almost screws down all the way ( less than 1mm) Its waterproof though .
I did have to take the lip off the reflector so it would fit. You probably will not have to do that if you use just 1 lens.
I went ahead and ordered a lens from I'm considering the reflector from DX, but am just not sure. Any other good thrower reflectors for my P7 Mag?

The DX reflector works well, but you will have to file the lip down to get the bezel fully tightened. I put a file in the vice and rotate the reflector with each stroke across the file. My mag bezel fits perfectly now.