I am new to CPF and thought it might be useful to compile a list of the best sources of flashlights for UK based flashaholics.
Although I have happily used the very budget end of the flashlight spectrum (ebays specials) I would like to get a quality light or two. The problem I am finding is that offerings to the UK seem limited and prices relatively high.
Please could you let me know the best options for getting hold of quality flashlights in the UK and where the best prices are?
Initially I want to buy a Quark AA but am interested in Zebralights and others.
I would buy from abroad but with the more expensive light expect there to then be import duty to be paid. If anyone in the UK has bought from an international supplier how did you find it and what was the final price?
Any help/suggestions welcomed.
Although I have happily used the very budget end of the flashlight spectrum (ebays specials) I would like to get a quality light or two. The problem I am finding is that offerings to the UK seem limited and prices relatively high.
Please could you let me know the best options for getting hold of quality flashlights in the UK and where the best prices are?
Initially I want to buy a Quark AA but am interested in Zebralights and others.
I would buy from abroad but with the more expensive light expect there to then be import duty to be paid. If anyone in the UK has bought from an international supplier how did you find it and what was the final price?
Any help/suggestions welcomed.