Best UK suppliers and prices?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 5, 2010
Hove, UK
I am new to CPF and thought it might be useful to compile a list of the best sources of flashlights for UK based flashaholics.

Although I have happily used the very budget end of the flashlight spectrum (ebays specials) I would like to get a quality light or two. The problem I am finding is that offerings to the UK seem limited and prices relatively high.

Please could you let me know the best options for getting hold of quality flashlights in the UK and where the best prices are?

Initially I want to buy a Quark AA but am interested in Zebralights and others.

I would buy from abroad but with the more expensive light expect there to then be import duty to be paid. If anyone in the UK has bought from an international supplier how did you find it and what was the final price?

Any help/suggestions welcomed.
Hi Subwoofer.

Sorry, don't know of any UK based Quark supplier. There may be one in Europe but I've never used one. The Quarks I have are from 4Sevens and Unique Titanium in the US and yes the customs charges are a pain, but so are the handling fees from the post office or courier company - often more than the taxes themselves!!!

In the UK I mostly shop with,,,'s Tiablo appointed dealer), and (they are based in the EU - not GB but are very good).

Also there is a massive selection including SF lights at aka Heinnie Haynes - though I haven't used them yet.

Big mention for who is our only manufacturer of high end custom lights - they are lovely and bright and small and like items of fine art rather than lights, but certainly desirable ( One of my favourites, of course ). They are clearing a backlog ATM but order in confidence that you will be impressed.

Good luck with your wallet!!

BTW - there is a UK CPF meeting in London on June 5th if you want the chance to see what other people have got and try out a few - look at post 152 onwards for details
I've bought from 4Sevens in the USA and from Poland. On paper, the Poland prices are a bit higher, but I got clobbered by the Post Office "handling charge" on the USA one which pretty much cancelled out any price difference.

Buying from Poland was fine and I'd happily do so again.
I have also used some of the sites listed. Photon Shop, Flashaholics and Hennies (for knives, good service). The prices here are higher than the USA, but it always is.

I just bought a Zebralight H501, which was £52.95 everywhere I looked. Got it off eBay from Hong Kong for £38.99 delivered.

I would not be too put off from buying from the USA, I have done this lots of times. If marked as a gift and low value you rarely get hit with custom charges. It is a risk you take though.

You will notice that some suppliers have a reluctance to ship outside the USA for some reason, or will look to charge you a fortune for no good reason.

Always amazes me why on the CPFMP most people put USA delivery only! Even if the buyer is paying the delivery costs :thumbsdow

I bought a light from the MP, came from sunny Australia, got here quickly no great postage costs, easy. China ships out massive numbers of stuff every day all over the wrold with Hong Kong Post, mostly with no problems either.
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I've had great products and service from (aka photon shop),, (based in Austria). From them got Thrunite Catapult, Thrunite TiKey, iTP Polestar A6, Lumapower D-Mini Ultra VX. Very pleased with all.

Also have Lummi Raw and Wee. Fantastic quality lights. May be a bit of a wait at the moment.


I have also bought from the vendors mentioned by other posters above,I find Heinnie to be the best overall in terms of total customer satisfaction due to speed and clear concise email feedbacks about when my order was shipped out.Not sure if Fenix UK were in the above list but I have used them as well.

Due to another hobby of mine I am well use to buying and selling to overseas countries and some words of advice.When buying from the USA make sure the seller is quoting you a reasonable price for shipping which to be fair most do but you get the odd few who just sting or at least try to.In the last 5 years I have bought/sold in the region of 500+ products from the US and just had the odd loss of non arrival of a pack (1 going to and 2 coming).The average delivery time you can expect is 5 working days,Shiningbeam got my light here in 3 days and another got my light here in 7 with the shutdown due to the ash cloud which totally surprised me.

Due to reasons that are known to many be careful selling to Canada and Italy customers if you are ever selling some of your lights but as this thread is about a UK buyers list not really relevant but I think a short note is worthy of a quick mention.

The final place for a UK list is the following:-

Led Lenser are probably the most available light that can be bought without the need to go the internet route because that really is the only light that is sold via the trade and tool outlets.Led Lenser have put in some very smart glass cabinets in many outlets with rotating turn tables etc.
Stockists such as Arco-Screwfix-Machine Mart-CPC all sell some hidden gems with names we have never heard of but are rugged and good quality and keenly priced.I have bought 5 or 6 this year via this route and pleased with all and at least in Arco you can haggle the price on Led Lenser and win.
Bought 4 lights from no complaints so far,use code CPF on checkout for %8 discount.
I agree with all the shops above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

But don't forget we need to feed these torches :grin2:

I've used and found to be very good, and

Both sell LSD batts, the component shop sell C and D size too.

Also another Lummi fan here, best little micro torches ever, and a jolly nice guy too. The problem is, once you buy one you find yourself going back and looking at more.........
I bought my Maha C808M directly from:

Not exactly cheap but very good. Most AAA, AA, C and D you can get again eBay is your friend here.

I just got a pack of AA Eneloops from too at a good price.

I bought my 10Ah LSD D cells from:

Although I did get stung for custom duty on this one, worked out kinda expensive in the end.

I would also agree that Lummi makes some very nice, high quality little lights. Made here in the UK too. I have a Raw NS which is very nice indeed.
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