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Re: Best way to charge Lithium-ions?
Written by Aquanaut on 11-26-2010 03:07 PM GMT
I have only one question for an answer: what would happen if the protection didn't work, which is a definite possibility. :devil:
Re: Best way to charge Lithium-ions?
Written by cistallus on 11-28-2010 04:40 AM GMT
The protection is for safety protection, and might kick in at 2.5 or 2.7 volts. A nearly fully depleted cell is usually about 3.5 volts. Draining to the point where protection kicks in will reduce the cell's life. It doesn't hurt to top it off frequently, so that's what you should do.
Re: Best way to charge Lithium-ions?
Written by hazna on 11-28-2010 04:42 AM GMT
It would be better to top it off after use (as compared to waiting for the protection to kick in). Consider the protection circuit as a last resort.
You really should charge the battery before it drops below 3.6V. Doing so will help to preserve and prolong the life of the battery. If you don't already have one, get a digital multimeter (DMM) and check the voltage of your batteries after use.