Best way to cover up laser engraved logos?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 11, 2006
I am generally allergic to logos and try to remove/cover up as many labels, stickers, etc. What's the best/most permanent way to cover up laser engraved logos in HAIII? Looking for something less ghetto fab than electrical tape, sharpie, black nail polish, etc. Thanks!
There was a thread a while back where someone used enamel paint to paint over the etching. He used gold but I imagine you could use clear just as well, it would conceal the text and still look stock.
waaay back in high school, with pagers and such, i used to fill in the engraved areas with crayon then clean it til it was flush. of course use a color closest to hide it.
lol I did that too :p I found it was easy to replace if it came out but not permanent just incase :)
You know, I've got some stuff I'll have to try...I forgot about using it for this purpose. I'll report back when I have results.
Erm, so you want something better than covering it up with a similar colour ink? I'm pretty sceptical that such a thing exists, short of refinishing the whole thing, which I suspect would mean shipping it off to a bespoke engineering company. May I suggest instead you tell us what torch you want to cover the logos of, as other members may be able to tell you what ink/paint will give you the best colour match, if there are any replacement bodies that are logo free or anything like that.

Best of luck
I recall from the Edgetac lights threads that Alumiblack works very well, just as long as you are working on a black light, of course. I believe it is a Birchwood Casey product, and is sold for blacking out aluminum bits on guns.
That's exactly what I've got. When I find it I'll give it a try. Looks like I'll be using a toothpick as an aplicator. Should work well.
Hey Rala,

You know I never got the chance to, and I just moved. I think I know were it is, let me see if I can try it tonight.