I dug up an unused bflex 1.1 which I ordered ages ago but never got around to using. I'm very new to this LED stuff, so please forgive me if I'm asking something blindingly obvious.
I've hooked the bflex up to a battery pack and some LEDs. The behaviour it is exhibiting is completely contrary to anything described in the manual:
Anyone have any idea what's going on here? I guess the bflex is usable for my purposes, but I can't configure anything on it, such as how the voltage warning works.
I dug up an unused bflex 1.1 which I ordered ages ago but never got around to using. I'm very new to this LED stuff, so please forgive me if I'm asking something blindingly obvious.
I've hooked the bflex up to a battery pack and some LEDs. The behaviour it is exhibiting is completely contrary to anything described in the manual:
- I can't get into the Menu system- disconnecting and reconnecting the battery does not cause the LEDs to flash, nor does pressing the switch within 3 seconds of connection cause the LEDs to flash into the menu system
- Clicking the switch only turns the LEDs on and off
- Keeping the switch pressed, once the LEDs are on, will cycle the LEDs between 8 different brightness levels
Anyone have any idea what's going on here? I guess the bflex is usable for my purposes, but I can't configure anything on it, such as how the voltage warning works.