No legitimate manufacturer sells a combined fog lamp and auxilisry driving light unit. The use cases and beam patterns are far too separate for a lamp that claims to offer both, to do either well.
If you want to supplement your lowbeams, a legitimate low beam lamp mounted near the height of your current headlamps will be useful, potentially. The hella 60mm halogen, 50mm LED and 90mm LED have all been discussed in your other thread. Other LED lamps were proffered as well.
For extending your high beams reach and width, mounting any sort of driving lamp as high as possible (to the maximum height of the center of the auxiliary lamps front lens in line with the center of your headlamps, as typically allowed by law) is necessary. Mounting driving lamps too low will absolutely flood the foreground with excessive light, reducing your distance vision. I made this mistake once with a driving light light bar mounted in the lower grille opening on my honda civic. Despite having a fairly tight beam pattern, it being mounted so low meant I ended up with a huge, very brightly lit patch immediately in front of the vehicle when it was on. This was not signficiantly reduceable by aiming the lamp upward, even when the hotspot of the lamp was aimed at the treeline in the distsnce, the lamp was simply too low.
Performance upgrades often require sacrificing stock appearance. But a solidly mounted external bar, even a mock bash-bar mount will allow your choice of lamps much greater performance potential.