Bi-Pin Flashlights?


Mar 29, 2002
Gloucester, New Jersey
I've pretty much exhausted my search, so I was wondering if anyone is aware of any bi-pin lights which are still being made? I do have a couple older 2xAA MiniMags, but my go-to Rayovac seems to be a thing if the past.


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Alright go on to EBay. Look for Streamlight Stinger Xenon, TL-2 Xenon, Strion Xenon, TL-3 Xenon, Nightfighter Xenon.

Alternately you can buy a Glock GTL-10/11.

Any newer Maglite that uses a bulb is either purpose built or has a conversion to use a bipin bulb.

The old Magcharger uses a bipin halogen bulb.

Then there are 90s era Energizer Double Barrel lights. The bigger ones use a USA made bipin bulb the smaller ones use one from HK. It is Xenon.

I hope this helps. I like PR style bulbs myself but use bipins or drop ins.
The trouble is, there's no money in light bulb flashlights anymore.

If you're looking for more of those 2aa Rayovac Industrial numbers eBay might be a good source. Maglite still sells incan minimags and solitaires. So does ZBatttery. They also still sell the incan big lights that now have bi-pin bulbs. I just bought a set of midnight blue incans from them. Solitaire, aaa and aa minimag, 2D and 3D. Unfortunately the incan C series are gone so Amazon or eBay is a good source for those.

Oh, ZBattery still has the amazing little maxi-minimag, the ML25IT in both 2 and 3 cell version.

Streamlight has gone all LED with the twin task but again, eBay may be a source for the bi-pin type.

With patience you can find minimag clones by Brinkmann and Bright Star that make great Yuji hosts if that's what you're after. The Maglite ML25IT is also an amazing Yuji host.

If you are looking for 6 volt, Streamlight Nite Fighter, TL2 and Strion can still be found. Brinkman Rebel X6 was a cool one but it's not easy to find. 2 and 3 aa Brinkmann Legend's are still floating around but are getting scarce.
On this note I picked up some bin pin bulbs for fifty cents today.


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I'd like to find a better replacement for the really tiny bi pin bulb in this otherwise quite nice Great Neck 2xAA

"Hi Intensity" is a ridiculous description of its feeble output. The bulb is practically grain of wheat sized. A krypton replacement might almost make it get up to dim. A 3V white LED that plugs right in would be nice.

I really don't want to hack up an Olight i5T Plus to mod it because that is already a very nice two level 2xAA LED flashlight. Modding the Great Neck should be an exercise in making a relatively large improvement while spending as little as possible.
I might try one of those Rayovac if they take bipin bulbs/leds. Incan Minimags are bipin correct? Like to find another light or two where I don't have buy the light plus an adapter for these Yujis.
I might try one of those Rayovac if they take bipin bulbs/leds. Incan Minimags are bipin correct? Like to find another light or two where I don't have buy the light plus an adapter for these Yujis.
The Yuji is 5mm. A stock minimag bulb is about 3 and so is the hole in the reflector but.....those NiteIze LED modules from home depot etc have a replacement reflector with a hole large enough for the Yuji.
I'm really good at coming up with flashlight ideas that can't happen. Also wanted to find a single AA bipin setup but that doesn't exist. I'm starting to miss the days when I could just buy a Fenix light and be totally content.
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I'm really good at coming with flashlight ideas that can't happen.
"I'm really good at coming with flashlight ideas that can't happen now, but will later."

Fixed it for you. ;)

Technology keeps advancing. What was impossible in the past is very much done today. What seems impossible today, will be common place in the future. You are just ahead of the rest of us! A good place for you would be in some flashlight company's R&D department, dreaming up stuff to develop. You could make a lot of money at that!
I'm really good at coming up with flashlight ideas that can't happen. Also wanted to find a single AA bipin setup but that doesn't exist. I'm starting to miss the days when I could just buy a Fenix light and be totally content.
If you know how to "build" a light bulb, you could theoretically build a Yuji/#112 bulb and use it in a Tom Thumb light.
With patience, the future will come, and many cool things (and likely some not-so-cool as well) will come to be. The past, however, is unlikely to return, and trying to return to it often proves difficult / challenging. It seems all things related to 'light bulbs' are rapidly becoming things of the past, like me!
With patience, the future will come, and many cool things (and likely some not-so-cool as well) will come to be. The past, however, is unlikely to return, and trying to return to it often proves difficult / challenging. It seems all things related to 'light bulbs' are rapidly becoming things of the past, like me!
You are right, there is no going back. However, sometimes old folks like nostalgia, and using something from the past reminds them of happier days of their youth, perhaps an outing or reading comics under the covers after lights-out. Whatever reason is unimportant, some people like old ways at times--it doesn't mean that they reject advances. Some may stick with the old stuff, but that's okay in a non-critical use. If a 2D incan enables you to find your pill bottle that rolled under the bed, and that is all you use it for, then it's perfectly adequate for the job. I imagine that the majority of folks on this forum though, have a plethora of flashlights for different purposes, both incan and LED, maybe even some LEP and HID! It's all good! Live and let live, or, if you are a British double-aught agent, live and let die. :crackup: