Big Guns for Executive series?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2007
Orlando, FL
Wondering what my options are for a modern quad-core or equivalent running on a 17670 and E2 body. Don't know if I've missed anything, but all I can think of is the KL4-P7 and Malkoff module with a VME head.
Wondering what my options are for a modern quad-core or equivalent running on a 17670 and E2 body. Don't know if I've missed anything, but all I can think of is the KL4-P7 and Malkoff module with a VME head.

Love my VME Head with Malkoff M60 in it. Thinking I might have to get a M60MC-E though check out this guys thread and his beamshots. I also have a M60F that is impressive but not anywhere near the M60MC-E range.
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Nailbender drop-in direct drive sst-90 you can use it also with an E2C adapter and a 6P head.

the direct drive sst-90 should be really bright

you can also wait in line for what is shaping to be a great drop-in: moddoo triple xp-e, search in the customs section
I was thinking the same! Or a Malkoff M60 MCE with an 18650 host.

Make that a dual 18650 host or something at least making 5volts min.
Quote from Gene's website about the Malkoff M60MC-E
"The input voltage is 5 - 13 volts. Below 5 volts it will drop out of regulation. Below 4.5v it will shut off."

But you gotta love that Lumen rating. Another quote from Gene's Website "The output is 500+ lumens."
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I'm really thinking a Malkoff unregulated MC-E (or god help me P7) DD module in a VME, or a Roomsweeper.

The KL4-P7 gives a moderately directed cone (which I like), as opposed to the MC-E modules pure flood.

A bit of a conceit, but has anyone seen a VME on a Pineapple body? Do the lines of the little beast really flow?
I'm really thinking a Malkoff unregulated MC-E (or god help me P7) DD module in a VME
It appears that the P7 is just fine unregulated / DD, but the MC-E draws way too much current in that configuration, actually decreasing the output. PM bigchelis for more info, IMO the MC-E DD was an interesting experiment but there is a reason Gene M only made one of them.
Make that a dual 18650 host or something at least making 5volts min.
Quote from Gene's website about the Malkoff M60MC-E
"The input voltage is 5 - 13 volts. Below 5 volts it will drop out of regulation. Below 4.5v it will shut off."

But you gotta love that Lumen rating. Another quote from Gene's Website "The output is 500+ lumens."

Ah Ha! True sir, true!
A bit of a conceit, but has anyone seen a VME on a Pineapple body? Do the lines of the little beast really flow?
Looks a lot better than I thought it would.

See if you can get your hands on a aleph 2 head, I think that with a 20mm stippled or smooth reflector and a SOB1000 XP-G LE is going to be a really nice setup. Imagine the regulated run time with a low Vf led!