Bigger light with similar beam profile as Sofirn SP10 with LH351D LED


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
I bought and like the subject minded flashlight as I know others do as well. I really love the beam output for walking, a very wide hotspot with gradual spill so that it doesn't really even look much like a hotspot. When walking, I don't feel like I'm walking in a tunnel. However it's too small to comfortable hold and I really wish it had a battery meter of some sort. Any recommendations for a bigger flashlight, maybe 18650 size with a similar beam output and hopefully a battery meter of sorts. I also have a Wurkkos FC135 which is also a nice light that sort of comes close in the beam profile. If money was not an object I'd have a Surefire Stiletto Pro.
I really wish it had a battery meter of some sort
Wurkkos FC11C
"After turning on the flashlight, an indicator LED in the switch shows the approximate state of charge of the battery for five seconds. On very low voltage, the indicator will blink in red as long as the light is turned on."

instead of the LH351D it comes w a 519a, that also has a large hotspot

I also have a Wurkkos FC13S

why not use that one?
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The Wurkkos FC13S is my current favorite flashlight at any price. I just love the user interface and the light output. However for a pure walking flashlight, while the hotspot is fairly large, there is still a noticeable drop off between hotspot and peripheral light. I'm looking for a walk light where the transition from center to peripheral light is gradual and not discernable. Maybe such a light does not exist.

I also have a Wurkkos FC13S

why not use that one?
I'm looking for a walk light where the transition from center to peripheral light is gradual and not discernable.
I hope you find a light that suits your usage needs..
maybe instead of a light with a single LED in a reflector, that produces a hotspot plus spill, consider a light with multiple LEDs behind a Tir Optic..

For example, here is the beam from a Wurkkos TS25. It has 4 LEDs, uses Anduril UI (includes battery check), has built in charging for the 21700 LiIon:

(I dedomed the LEDs for a warmer color temperature)

Here is a website that might help with your search.. not all lights are listed, it only lists lights for which the owner of the site gets a comission. (Im not affiliated)
Take a look at a D1 from Hank lights. You can get the XHP70.3 90cri@5k the same LED specs as your Sofirn that you like to get a 18650 light that matches closely your Sofirn

Hanks D1