Black Friday is almost over. How much did you spend on flashlights?

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
We all know good deals on lights are hard to pass up. So how much did you spend on flashlights just today? How about batteries? What did you get? Where? How much of a bargain was it?

I'll go first.
Home Depot:
4 3 l.e.d. 1 AA headlights- $10
3 3AAA 6 l.e.d. flashlights and 3 1AA l.e.d. flashlights (metal)-$10
6 3AAA 6 l.e.d. flashlights (metal) and 2 3 l.e.d. headlights- $10
4 60 pack bricks of Rayovac alkaline batteries- $10 each, $40 total

2D Rebel l.e.d. Maglite- $15
2 2AA Rebel l.e.d. Maglites- $11 each, $22 total

Sport Chalet:
Princeton Tec EOS headlight- $30

Total:$137+tax for 22 lights, 247 alkaline batteries, 40 carbon zinc batteries.

I was actually surprised by the cheapo lights from Home Depot. Each light had ratings in lumens listed as well as conservative runtimes listed (not one claimed to last 150 hours) and the range (throw) of each light listed. I think the runtimes listed were for the carbon zinc batteries, so I can probably expect longer runtimes with alkalines. The 1AA flashlight I opened up wasn't bad. It is brighter than my Fenix P3D Q5 on low by a lumen or two. Brightness was accurate, if not underrated. Switch is a strong reverse clickie. While none of the lights are rated waterproof (actually states "dry location use only" on each package), the 1AA light had two O-rings (one between the head and the body, one between the tailcap and the body). These lights have a lifetime warranty that says you can get a replacement if it fails by returning the light to Home Depot. The weak points of the light were the flimsy negative contact spring and the threads that were easy to crossthread. Overall, these lights are definitely worth the couple bucks or so each with batteries.
Picked up a pewter 2C mag at HD for $15;)... with the understanding that IMR-C cells drop right in without modding;)


Some dorcy showerheads for $4 each
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I'm in Canada and we don't have Black Friday per se (I think boxing day is our equivalent).

However I did take advantage of flashlightlens' Black Friday special of 30% off.

I bought 2 UCL lenses for my Solarforce L2P lights - spent a total of $8.18.
There's no way in hell that I'm going out to any store on what some consider the busiest day of shopping. I would rather pay twice as much.
I bought my Jetbeam RRT-0 from after getting a great price plus excellent service and communication.:paypal:

I'm proud of myself. :rock:

Although I might get to regret later. :crazy:

2 2AA Rebel l.e.d. Maglites- $11 each, $22 total
me to

they are about 50 lumens and the improved beam pattern is very affective
I am very happy with these $11 lights spill beam is good
multi mode 100% 25% blink sos

I considered getting the 2D Rebel l.e.d. Maglite- $15
But I didn't really have the funds to do so i might still get it on sale through sunday:mecry:
I just bought some parts (lenses, extension tubes, etc) and spent a total of about $30 or so...

I've bought a lot of lights lately, so I needed to take a break.
There's no way in hell that I'm going out to any store on what some consider the busiest day of shopping. I would rather pay twice as much.

1 fight at Toys'R'Us and 2 fights at Target. Sadly I was too late to see either. Fiance made me go :( She wanted to gawk at the people who waited in line.

The line at Target stated at the entrance and wrapped all the way around the whole store to the registers.

Needless to say, no way on earth was I going to buy anything, but I had fun pointing and laughing at people in a 5 hour line to save 10 dollars :whistle:
1 fight at Toys'R'Us and 2 fights at Target. Sadly I was too late to see either. Fiance made me go :( She wanted to gawk at the people who waited in line.

The line at Target stated at the entrance and wrapped all the way around the whole store to the registers.

Needless to say, no way on earth was I going to buy anything, but I had fun pointing and laughing at people in a 5 hour line to save 10 dollars :whistle:

That's the scenario I was afraid of, but because I got off work a bit early, I decided to swing by Lowes. I thought, well if it's jam packed, I'll just turn around and leave. But the crowed level was actually about normal by that time in the afternoon.

I bought two 3D MagLED and two MiniMagLED, both Rebel versions. Plus a 12-Pack of EverReady alkaline for 10 bucks. Total was about 60 something after tax. Not bad for 4 flashlights and 12 D-cells!

A little side story: The numbering on the emitter of one of the 3Ds looked like it said "-001" instead of "-091". It was the only one I saw like that, and I thought hmmm, is this some rare or new version? I had to snag it just in case! After I got it home and looked at it VERY closely, I was able to see that the "9" just looks very much like a "0". Oh well :) And the girl at the register was kinda staring at me because I was holding the different lights up and trying to peer at the emitter through the plastic. :eek:

Anyway, one 3D and Mini will go to my brother, who REALLY needs a couple of decent lights. He's got an incan 2D and Mini, and a 8*5mm 3AA that's about toast. I don't think he's quite ready yet for lithium tactical lights, so these Mags will at least have him covered for basic needs of home and travel.
There's no way in hell that I'm going out to any store on what some consider the busiest day of shopping. I would rather pay twice as much.

Ditto. I haven't been off the property since Wednesday.

But, I did manage to spend $105 on flashlight parts on the forum.

Titanium C-Mag tail clicky
IMR-E2 lamp
2x IMR 16340 cells
Managed to spend $0 on lights :party:

Actually, the only place I went was ****s Sporting Goods - they had a buy one get one half off on ammo so I stocked up - awesome deal :D
I bought my Jetbeam RRT-0 from after getting a great price plus excellent service and communication.:paypal:

I bought mine a few days ago as I didn't know about black friday and wouldn't have thought to get a better price on items which aren' currently in stock... :candle:

I decided to make a buy-stop and got nothing, even if I would have wanted to buy something, I wouldn't have found something worth buying it, which I don't have already.

Fortunately, the only stressed one on sucha sale day over internet is the dealer, the customers don't know how many others stand in line to get something. For shopping tours in the real world, I keep it like LuxLuthor, I preffer to pay more than having to mess with half the world in the shops. I can't stand lots of people, probably agoraphobia or whatever. I get mad in traffic jams and need calmants in waiting lines. Internet shopping rocks!
Since I have pretty much all the lights I need....didn't pick up anything...the only thing I want is another Lumens factory LED module for one of my Surefires.....
It was funny to watch the dealer thread when everyone was trying to get confirmation from Ethan. Ethan was patient and professional with his customer service.
Same here. Was the last 6 minutes before sale ended. Could not pass it up!