Black & Organic Sebbie

The Sun

Aug 13, 2008
Black G10 / Organic Texture






interesting look.

i always wonder what the new scales like these in such an high price knife is for.. is it for unique and even more customized knife aspect, just the cool look factor or is it for increased functionality?

if functionality please elaborate.. better grip due texture or material? does it offer clearly better ergonomics especially for for cutting, whittling, carving or icepick grip? which one it was designed for?

im just curious was it (and others you make and modify) made per end-users actual "hand feel and size"? as i would think that if its for increasing functionality or ergonomics for the owner of the knife, the scales etc are made to fit to his/her hand like a glove.

especially in this price range where the "stock" sebenzas run, i would imagine customizing one even further, it shouldnt be made to "general" everyman hands specs.. but really measured to the owners size of hand (finger length and palmsize etc). and shaped to suit best for his perceived needs and uses. people with long fingers need different size and shape of handle than those with stubby etc..

but if its just for the better looks. never mind this :) it looks great. i wouldnt mind having one looking like that. hahah.
That ROCKS. Sorry, I couldn't help myslef. I very much like that.
Thanks guys :)


It's for everything you mentioned above including looks. I won't modify a knife if it doesn't serve a purpose.

In the Sebbies case ergonomics is greatly improved here, along with weight, and the grip improvement is night and day. Each scale is customized for each users hand (when speaking of the organic texture), that's what sets the organic texture apart from the rest.

Hope that helps you out. Like I said before, I wouldn't make a modification without a function or purpose (even the flow inserts serve a purpose and have to perform to my specs). I've modified $25 all the way up to $3500 dollar knives, doesn't matter the price...just the need ;)
now that is very cool.

i really like approach like that alot more than intention of just making them look "purdy" and "custom". even if that is one big aspect in your business. it is after all a specialized service. :)

looking forward to see you do something cool with wooden handles or scales some day.

edit: you mentioned weight difference.. ok, lighter or heavyer? and into what direction, where did the point of balance move compared to the stock?
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that's right, the intention is what makes the organic texture look "organic." that's why it doesn't look like the regular uniform "grooving" that you see so often. also instead of it only giving grip in one or two directions it gives grip in all direction no matter how you hold the knife.

the weight difference made it lighter and it balances right at the finger choil.

there are a few example pic's of some of my favorite modifications on my website (click the link in my signature line), in the "modification gallery" section. there are a few pic's of some exotic wood species there. i have about 72 more pages of pictures in my photobucket account from all of my customers projects in the past couple years or so. i use just about any kind of material you can think of that offers improved performance for a given application.

i try to make looking pretty a byproduct of the overall function.
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The more I look at it, the more I dig the way the scales have an irregular surface... cool stuff, The Sun.
thanks brother :)

the magic is when you put it in your hand! ;)

i'm not a Sebbie guy...never have been...but i may have to get one for myself after having felt the difference on this one. i'd be a nice light duty folder.

thanks again,


a lot of the knives i've posted here have the same type of texture you can just see it a little better on the black G10...this one has it as well, it's just a little harder to see in the carbon fiber:

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Yeah, it's a good one! ...but, it engages a little more than that, it wasn't fully engaged in that picture.