Blackout Test - NIteCore Defender Infinity


Nov 24, 2005
Bay Area, CA
On Friday morning, I went for breakfast at IHOP and got as far as ordering my food when the power went out in that part of San Jose, CA. Fortunately, I keep several flashlights on me at all times. I had my Arc AAA, Photon Freedom, Draco and the NiteCore Defender Infinity. Normally, I carry the Muyshondt Nautilus with me, but since I just recently received the DI, I figured I'd temporarily replace the Nautilus with the DI to see how it works out as an EDC light.

As soon as the lights went out, I pulled out the DI and turned it on in the tactical mode. I stood the light in the sugar packet container because it cannot tail stand, and then angled the light to the wall which gave enough light to read by.

I had the light on for at least 5 minutes until we decided to leave--since the power was still out and no food was being made--and when I grabbed the light, it was only warm to the touch. I was very impressed that it did not get extremely hot like I had expected it to.

My girlfriend was grabbing her things so I put the light back to the user-setting mode, which I set to the lowest possible light level. I illuminated her things and as we were getting up to go, I put the DI back on tactical mode.


The light was completely dark. I then twisted the bezel back and forth quickly and the light started to strobe quickly, as I would expect it to do in tactical mode. Then I quickly twisted the light again and ... nothing. I was completely dark again. I turned the light off and back on again but there was still no light coming from the flashlight.

I then put the light back in the user-mode. My user-defined amount of light came from the flashlight. I put it back into tactical mode. I blinding beam of light once again shot out from the front of my DI.

I now know I cannot depend on this light. I still think it is a great light, but it will definitely not be an EDC light; my Nautilus has that honor again--along with the Arc AAA, Photon Freedom and Draco, of course.
Have you considered the possibility that your light may not have good contact with the AA cell?
Sounds like the "dead spot" mine has. If you turn it just past the user setting it will work in tacticle. A little too much, and nothing. But if you crank it down hard, you'll go past the spot, and it works in tacticle.
It's really annoying, because the point you would naturally tighten it too is the "spot".
I would suggest to remove the front o-ring, lube it and see how nice it works and how it turns all the way to the end firmly. Than look for a thinner o=ring.

Mine would do all kinds of funny things cause the o-ring is to thick. Once I solved this..... I love the light and bought another.

I would suggest to remove the front o-ring, lube it and see how nice it works and how it turns all the way to the end firmly. Than look for a thinner o=ring.

Mine would do all kinds of funny things cause the o-ring is to thick. Once I solved this..... I love the light and bought another.


So did I. I changed the O-ring of the Head with one spare Fenix O-ring. Its more easy to twist now and works very well.

Mine exhibits similar behavior. I've cleaned the threads and contacts multiple times and they are as clean as can be, but there is just an inherent flakiness that makes the light unreliable with regard to the mating of the head and body. I hope EdgeTac can figure out a solution to this. I really love the light but I can't in good conscience use it on a day-to-day basis. I am just not confident that I can press the button and have it behave in a predictable manner.
this is making me feel alot better about not having one...:twothumbs

this is making me feel alot better about not having one...:twothumbs


I just spent 65 hours in a power outage in California. I was able to test many lights in a "casual" (non life or death) situation. I really spent allot of time evaluating differant lights for real life usage. I plan to post my findings on CPF at a later date. I will tell you that I really like the Nitecore. It's a very good tool and it would be a shame if you didn't try it out yourself.

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yup, now i feel back to normal again :sigh:

but i really HAVE spent waaaay to much this month....and its only the 7th

Mine would do all kinds of funny things cause the o-ring is to thick. Once I solved this..... I love the light and bought another.

The "front o-ring change" made the light much more enjoyable for me too. :whistle:
My Nitecore DI has been flawless, it's one of my favorite lights. It comes with a warranty, use it. If your light isn't working properly, get it fixed or replaced. We've seen problems with every brand of light, Surefire, Novatac, Fenix, etc. No matter what the brand, there will always be lights with issues.
Practically every NDI issue mentioned in this thread describes mine. Thankfully Edgetac has committed to replacing it when batch #2 is ready... I completely understand the need for a reliable EDC and that is why my Nova120p will stay with me for the foreseeable future.
After investigating a bit, I've discovered that the pill doesn't always make 100% electrical contact with the head and that this is the source of my problems. I've contacted EdgeTac regarding a warranty repair/replacement.
I've just been using the DI five mintes ago, and mine seems to be acting up a little... It's been great till now. If i put it in tactical mode, seems to always come on as Strobe, had to dismantle the entire light to get it straightened out... Hope it works alright from now on
I was playing with my DI last night and noticed that if I have my light in tactical mode and slowly move the bezel to set it to user-defined mode, the light will start to flicker and flash before going to the user mode. Then, when I put it back to tactical mode, it is actually set to strobe. So it somehow gets set to strobe if I move the bezel very slowly.

I also noticed that occasionally, when moving it slowly to the user-defined mode, instead of going to my last-used mode, it will go into to the set-up mode where it goes from brightest to dimmest.

Don't take this as a criticism of the light, it is only an observation. Since the light is not meant to have the bezel turned slowly, I do not consider this a problem with the light.
Hey Lumenz,

Do me a favor and take the front O-ring out (and clean/lube threads) and tell me you like the light 20 times better!
You seem like a very astute person that likes things to work like there supposed to. (like most of us) Like I said before, I was about to put mine in the junk drawer I was so pissed.
I think with such a thick O-ring, you can't "hit" the switching mechanism fast and firmly which it likes.
I know it's frustrating and you shouldn't have to do that with a new light. But the way I look at it, If they missed a little on the O-ring ..... No big deal !


I was playing with my DI last night and noticed that if I have my light in tactical mode and slowly move the bezel to set it to user-defined mode, the light will start to flicker and flash before going to the user mode. Then, when I put it back to tactical mode, it is actually set to strobe. So it somehow gets set to strobe if I move the bezel very slowly.

I also noticed that occasionally, when moving it slowly to the user-defined mode, instead of going to my last-used mode, it will go into to the set-up mode where it goes from brightest to dimmest.

Don't take this as a criticism of the light, it is only an observation. Since the light is not meant to have the bezel turned slowly, I do not consider this a problem with the light.
This seem to be common for this type of switching mechanism (twisting head to create contact between battery tube and circuit board). Becaue the contact is not spring loaded like minimag, at some point you'll have intermittent contact so it flickers, and confuse circuitry if it's used to switch modes.

I was playing with my DI last night and noticed that if I have my light in tactical mode and slowly move the bezel to set it to user-defined mode, the light will start to flicker and flash before going to the user mode. Then, when I put it back to tactical mode, it is actually set to strobe. So it somehow gets set to strobe if I move the bezel very slowly.

I also noticed that occasionally, when moving it slowly to the user-defined mode, instead of going to my last-used mode, it will go into to the set-up mode where it goes from brightest to dimmest.

Don't take this as a criticism of the light, it is only an observation. Since the light is not meant to have the bezel turned slowly, I do not consider this a problem with the light.