On Friday morning, I went for breakfast at IHOP and got as far as ordering my food when the power went out in that part of San Jose, CA. Fortunately, I keep several flashlights on me at all times. I had my Arc AAA, Photon Freedom, Draco and the NiteCore Defender Infinity. Normally, I carry the Muyshondt Nautilus with me, but since I just recently received the DI, I figured I'd temporarily replace the Nautilus with the DI to see how it works out as an EDC light.
As soon as the lights went out, I pulled out the DI and turned it on in the tactical mode. I stood the light in the sugar packet container because it cannot tail stand, and then angled the light to the wall which gave enough light to read by.
I had the light on for at least 5 minutes until we decided to leave--since the power was still out and no food was being made--and when I grabbed the light, it was only warm to the touch. I was very impressed that it did not get extremely hot like I had expected it to.
My girlfriend was grabbing her things so I put the light back to the user-setting mode, which I set to the lowest possible light level. I illuminated her things and as we were getting up to go, I put the DI back on tactical mode.
The light was completely dark. I then twisted the bezel back and forth quickly and the light started to strobe quickly, as I would expect it to do in tactical mode. Then I quickly twisted the light again and ... nothing. I was completely dark again. I turned the light off and back on again but there was still no light coming from the flashlight.
I then put the light back in the user-mode. My user-defined amount of light came from the flashlight. I put it back into tactical mode. I blinding beam of light once again shot out from the front of my DI.
I now know I cannot depend on this light. I still think it is a great light, but it will definitely not be an EDC light; my Nautilus has that honor again--along with the Arc AAA, Photon Freedom and Draco, of course.
As soon as the lights went out, I pulled out the DI and turned it on in the tactical mode. I stood the light in the sugar packet container because it cannot tail stand, and then angled the light to the wall which gave enough light to read by.
I had the light on for at least 5 minutes until we decided to leave--since the power was still out and no food was being made--and when I grabbed the light, it was only warm to the touch. I was very impressed that it did not get extremely hot like I had expected it to.
My girlfriend was grabbing her things so I put the light back to the user-setting mode, which I set to the lowest possible light level. I illuminated her things and as we were getting up to go, I put the DI back on tactical mode.
The light was completely dark. I then twisted the bezel back and forth quickly and the light started to strobe quickly, as I would expect it to do in tactical mode. Then I quickly twisted the light again and ... nothing. I was completely dark again. I turned the light off and back on again but there was still no light coming from the flashlight.
I then put the light back in the user-mode. My user-defined amount of light came from the flashlight. I put it back into tactical mode. I blinding beam of light once again shot out from the front of my DI.
I now know I cannot depend on this light. I still think it is a great light, but it will definitely not be an EDC light; my Nautilus has that honor again--along with the Arc AAA, Photon Freedom and Draco, of course.