

Apr 21, 2001
New York City
Bored - and not what you do to a hole to make it larger

I'm doing some IS work for one of the major networks. The real work was finished months ago, but now my job for the nex 6-8 weeks is to work 6-7 days/week (with no OT pay - I'm exempt) watching my software run in case there are problems (there have not been any since August, and that was a config file issue - the software has not changed in 4 years)

So, I come in early in the morning, start the software, and for the next 6-14 hours watch it run, waiting in case there is an error (that's what they want me to do - not develop new stuff during this time)

I'm one of 2 people on my floor, and probaly 1 of 4 people in the whole building except for the security guards in the lobby

Well, at least it's a job, but man, having to come in 9:00am on a Staurday after I was here until 9:45 last night - and do it again tomorrow - sigh

The joke is - I could remote in and do it from home, but it's "what happens if something goes wrong"
I know what you mean and I'm sure it is boring but it's only for a couple months, you can make it through. It's better than my situation, no job, no insurance and no prospects that pay worth a crap either. Unemployment is out too, guess I should move to China to find work eh? I've been working almost 30 years but right now in this area is the worst time of year to look for work, usually March is much better but boy it seems like a long way off.
At least you can look around CPF. That should pass some time. Lots of people in Michigan are dealing with what Marnav1 was talking about. Now I've been known to complain about my job, but I guess it's better than nothing. Maybe you could bring in a soldering iron and do some modding while you get paid:whistle:
can't complain, because I AM working, and in fact, right now, the field is booming.

Modding at work - won't fly

It's gonna get long - Tuesday is my last scheduled day off for 3+ weeks (and I'm working tomorrow and Monday)
You could try learning a new language!:thumbsup: I'm on my 8th language right now, it's a lot of fun! You can chat with and meet new people (online!). Since you probably have a high speed connection, watching or listening to free tutorials will make it a snap.:party:

I don't know if this would be two "slacking offish" but you could start watching a new series like prison break, lost, heroes or what ever.
I don't know if this would be two "slacking offish" but you could start watching a new series like prison break, lost, heroes or what ever.

I guess - I workd for a TV network, and actually have a TV in the office - no problem if I watch it too.

But I hate TV
And I thought my job is boring.

Well, it is. I work as a security guard. But at least I can listen to the radio in the patrol vehicle. I bought a hand-held T.V. that I can watch when not patrolling; which is about half the time I'm there.... Ironically, the T.V. was hard to find, and pricey. Found it behind the cashier's area at a discount pharmacy. Target and Radio Shack had none. And I don't mean they were out of stock. Considering the level of dust on the blister pack, I think no one bought one for at least a couple of years. Hand-held T.V.'s, not nearly as popular as they once were.

My phone has internet access, but is slow as Hell! Not worth even using it for that. Topics nearly a page long, take about 2 full minutes to scroll down!

Got some Christmas money, might get a PDA to cruise the forums on CPF.

I like the fact that I show up for work, and get left alone! As long as I get the job done, the client doesn't care. I don't have to deal with an ego-maniac boss with a tiny "pen." A very tiny "pen" that causes him to take it out on others.
Limited, firewalled
Limited as in "can't visit 90% of the sites on the net" or limited as in "can't watch porn but everything else's ok"?

Anyway, if you want to swap places I'm all ready to do something where I don't have to do much of anything and get paid for it :p
I've seen a 7" handheld digital (ATSC) tv in one of the big box stores recently.
I think it was going for around $200. This can give you more viewing options and will continue to work beyond the February 2009 analog shutdown.
KC21XE, is this some ENR stuff you're monitoring? Is it something that's only used when they're on-air or something else?

ENR? If you mean EMR (Edison Mitofsky Research) - Yeah - them and the AP - what is called the TTT data feed

They have been doing transmission tests since Summer, and Friday night, Sat and Today were "studio rehearsals" for the Iowa Cacucces
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Limited as in "can't visit 90% of the sites on the net" or limited as in "can't watch porn but everything else's ok"?

Anyway, if you want to swap places I'm all ready to do something where I don't have to do much of anything and get paid for it :p

Limited as in "I can't tie up my machine"
Ive actually got a bunch of stuff to do at work (like right now) but CPF is so much more interesting..

You can listen to talk radio while doing almost anything. With your choice of "PPR" (politically partisan radio), music, NPR, etc. there is something there for everyone. If not, use your IPOD. Entertainment doesn't have to be visual.

You can listen to talk radio while doing almost anything. With your choice of "PPR" (politically partisan radio), music, NPR, etc. there is something there for everyone. If not, use your IPOD. Entertainment doesn't have to be visual.


Didn't own an iPod (until today)