

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
Just ruined my Xtar that I was trying to sell on B/S/T about 10 minutes ago. Stuck 2 123 cells in there forgetting its a 18650 ONLY light. Blink and out she went! :crazy::poof::shakehead:hairpull::twak::awman:
Well thats a mutha-fu$*er!

We all do dumb poop sometimes! just sucks it ruined your B/S/T!
Don't be too hard on yourself. Something like this is easy to do with all the different universal flashlights & battery types. The same is true about inserting the wrong battery type in a charger not designed for it. Gotta watch that too. :poof: :ohgeez: Aah.. man!!
I'm going to try and unscrew the head and maybe the emitter fried so i'll just stick a Seoul in it.
One of the things I like about computers is it makes it easy to keep track of all the little nuances of different flashlights. I keep a file on every light I have so I know what's what about each light. I won't say that will prevent brainfog but if you recognize the symptoms ahead of time :thinking: -- well you can at least look up the details. Sorry to hear the bad timing. Maybe it's now a Flupic ready light.
I think the head is pressed on, I've tried heating it and boiling it. Tried rubber and leather with 12in Channelocks and that head wont budge. Oh well, won't make that mistake again.
Not long ago that i put the 18650 the other way round on the DSD charger and HOOO...

The charger's power plug exhibit some 'fire-work' sound in side it cover and that it is. BURNT the circuit.

Lucky the battery still intact.
Have you tried accessing the LED through the bezel by unscrewing the bezel and removing the reflector? I don't own one, so it is just a suggestion.
I think the head is pressed on, I've tried heating it and boiling it. Tried rubber and leather with 12in Channelocks and that head wont budge. Oh well, won't make that mistake again.