Brandnew Nitecore NDI problems???????


Newly Enlightened
Nov 26, 2008
South East Michigan
I just received my NDI in the mail and it has some problems.

Brand new battery (alkaline) and freshly charged NiMH. On the user mode set to the lowest brightness it flickers. In any mode if you cycle the power a couple of times with in a second or two the light stops working and will only come back on if i wait 5 seconds.

Any suggestion before i send it back.
Afraid I can't help you with the problem, but if it's from 4sevens, I'm certain they will help if nobody else can.
Flickering is usually the result of dirty contacts. Disassemble the light and clean all the threads and contact surfaces. Deoxit if you have it, otherwise rubbing alchol works ok as well. Might want to take apart the switch and try cleaning it out too if the problem persists.
I just received my NDI in the mail and it has some problems.

Brand new battery (alkaline) and freshly charged NiMH. On the user mode set to the lowest brightness it flickers. In any mode if you cycle the power a couple of times with in a second or two the light stops working and will only come back on if i wait 5 seconds.

Any suggestion before i send it back.

Send it back... 7777 will take care of you.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Ive tried cleaning with alcohol and even put the spare switch in and its still acting up. I guess its going back.:(

I'm a little disappointed this is my first "real" light and now its going back. Hopefully number 2 does a better job.

Made the call today. Its on its way back I've got my fingers crossed for number 2.

On a side note. Customer Service @ is GREAT! They took care of the problem and I'm already looking for the next light. I will recommend this company to everyone i talk lights with!!!!!!!!!
i got my new ndi infinity and i have some problems with it. i put a new charge sony rechargeable to it, but after i turn on the light to max output for about 8 sec. my light starts to blinkblinkblink :shakehead. i tried to test it at low mode also after 2 hours & 27 mins the light will turn to low power then high power then to low power again.......:eeksign: ANY BODY I NEED SOME HELP:mecry:
i got my new ndi infinity and i have some problems with it. i put a new charge sony rechargeable to it, but after i turn on the light to max output for about 8 sec. my light starts to blinkblinkblink :shakehead. i tried to test it at low mode also after 2 hours & 27 mins the light will turn to low power then high power then to low power again.......:eeksign: ANY BODY I NEED SOME HELP:mecry:

Have you tested it with a battery other than that one? If you have not yet done that, try using the light with a different battery (another rechargeable or maybe an Energizer AA Lithium primary or even an alkaline battery) and see if you still encounter the same issue. Also, have you tried disassembling and cleaning the light? :shrug:
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If you get a finicky NDI it usually isn't going to stop. You may have periods of reprieve but it usually doesn't last. If you have cleaned all the contacts and threads and still have a problem the best thing to do is send it back for a replacement. I fought with the one I received from Tad Gear for months and finally got fed up. 4sevens replaced it and I have not had a problem since. By sending it back you probably saved yourself a lot of fustration.

Good Luck

If you get a finicky NDI it usually isn't going to stop. You may have periods of reprieve but it usually doesn't last. If you have cleaned all the contacts and threads and still have a problem the best thing to do is send it back for a replacement. I fought with the one I received from Tad Gear for months and finally got fed up. 4sevens replaced it and I have not had a problem since. By sending it back you probably saved yourself a lot of fustration.

Good Luck


I got mine from this Dec. 27 I guess I have to send it back then thanks for the advice.
One more thing you got your NDI from TAD GEAR, then you send it to 4sevens for replacement? is that possible, for me also. hehehe I leave here in middle east Dubai. bad thing is i dont see anybody selling nitecore or fenix lights here in Dubai. its easy for me to exchange if they have some distributers here but nothing at all. they only know MAGLEDS i think. too bad they don't know about nitecore & fenix.
TAD Gear used to be the North American distributor, but that switched over to, so he handles all North American warranty claims.
Just a quick update.

The replacement light works great and I have no complaints with it. I have used both alkaline and 14500 with it. With the 14500 it ran for 1 and 16 minutes before it started to flash. I have not tried with an alkaline to see what its run time is yet.
Sorry to hear of your NDI and D10 troubles. I sent my first NDI back and the replacement works flawlessley. I really like this light- I have this and the D10 (no problems with that one), but there is just something about the machining/aesthetics of the NDI that really appeal to me. Don't give up on the NDI- they are good lights and for those of you who order from four sevens rest assured they will take care of you!
My dads first NDI had a annoying problem.When u put a battery in with more than 1.4v it does a really hi pitch squeal.After using it for a few hors it went away.Its all good now.:twothumbs