Breaking 1000 lumens out the front on AA power, LED or HID?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2009
Now that i've gotten and been wowed by my MC-E / P7 lights, i want to break 1000 lumens out the front for my next light. :cool:

There are a few requirements i'm hoping to hit however. As per the thread title, i'm hoping to hit 1k lumens on AA power, more specifically, i'm wondering if its possible to do so using a 2D Mag host that's bored to take one of fivemega's 8AA to 2D adaptors.

Also, in terms of efficiency, would it be more efficient to go with HID, or multiple MC-Es?
Now that i've gotten and been wowed by my MC-E / P7 lights, i want to break 1000 lumens out the front for my next light. :cool:

There are a few requirements i'm hoping to hit however. As per the thread title, i'm hoping to hit 1k lumens on AA power, more specifically, i'm wondering if its possible to do so using a 2D Mag host that's bored to take one of fivemega's 8AA to 2D adaptors.

Also, in terms of efficiency, would it be more efficient to go with HID, or multiple MC-Es?
A 14+ watts HID with a high efficience ballast is your best bet.Your goal is possible as long as you stay from Alkaline batteries, use Sanyo Eneloops or good quality NiMHs.

Good luck!
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8AAs are going to be a bit low on voltage to power most HID ballasts iirc.
2 or 3 MC-Es shouldwork as long as you're using high quality AA cells which can sustain a 4A+ current load.
If you can find a buck circuit that will drive 2 or 3 MC-Es in parallel with the emitters wired 2S2P it might work with 8 AAs.
Hmm...looks like i'm going to have to go with 12AAs either way.

So i'm looking at either 3xMC-E or a 14W HID. This shouldn't be too hard to find. ;)

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