Bright Light & Deterioration of Vision?


Jul 22, 2004
I've always wondered this but haven't thought about posting it till now. I've searched similar topics and couldn't find anything(relating to sight, vision, eyes,etc) other then one thread about possible damage of looking into a high lumen light and the definite result of damage only from huge surface brightness such as from the sun, lasers, or Maxablaster! (we need a blinded by the light smiley:poke:)

Will the sudden transition going from complete or near full darkness to WHAM 100+ lumens in immediate field of vision, soon or gradually deteriorate the human vision and even night vision to a greater acceleration on top of aging? Causing lesser sight, perception, depth, colors,etc? I'm thinking long term wise. I always get a flash of blinding light from myself's stupidity or someone who thinks its funny.

I think this would also be including night driving and passing by the countless other drivers with their headlights coming towards you and those occassional brights on(makes me want to bust out the M6, how do you like it now!):xyxgun:

Or is the opposite true? Less light worse for seeing? I know I need a brighter light regardless of the facts though.....
It may cause temporary blindness, but I don't believe that it causes any sort of permanent damage. There is a HUGE intensity level difference between a nuclear explosion (i.e. the sun) and even the brightest LED or incandescent light source. Lasers are a different story because their output is concentrated into a very small area and is all a uniform wavelength and waveform and thus are focused into a very small area of the retina and can cause actual burns.
A couple of my lights came with written warnings not to look at the powered emitter. Luckily I learned on lower lumens lights not to be doing that. I haven't looked into my higher powered lights. I don't think using a generic flashlight normally is going to hurt your vision in the long run.
Couldn't we consider looking directly into a highpowed light an IQ test? At least after the first time?
Couldn't we consider looking directly into a highpowed light an IQ test? At least after the first time?

A lot of times, one cannot help but be blinded by bright light. It is out of their control.

Also, I don't think I worded my question correctly. When I mean the sudden transition of darkness to 100+ lumen light, I mean it as in looking at the AREA/SPACE being illuminated with the sudden immersion of light and NOT looking into the freaking bezel and reflector. Actually seeing in one's field of vision suddenly a ball of bright light.

Yes, I've looked inside the head many times to look at how pretty the reflector coating is or just be mesmerized at how cool the LED looks but this not what I'm trying to rely. More about light in the area and looking into it, NOT looking into light.