Bright Truck Light - Tiablo Ace-G or Olight M30 Triton or ...


Newly Enlightened
Apr 15, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Looking for a bright LED to keep in my truck. I looked at both the Tiablo Ace-G and Olight M30 Triton. Similar price range, same max lumens. Olight seems to have more modes, but Tiablo has longer runtime. Which would you choose? Or would you go with something else? Planning to use 2x18650.

The M30 fits well in the door pocket of my 1999 Toyota Tacoma. Nice smallish light and very bright. :popcorn:
To use the 18650 batteries with the M30 you have to use the extender that is provided. I use 18500 batteries without the extender and love it!!! It is a very bright light in a somewhat small package!!! For the price I'm not sure you can beat it!!!!
+1 for the M30 ! It's crazy bright and smaller then the rest.
18500's is the way to go !
If I could only take 1 light, then M30 it is.
But if I already EDCing a smaller light (G2L/6PL?) then ACE-G will be my choice as it's simpler to use, brighter and better grip (especially when wearing gloves). :twothumbs
dont forget the solarforce L950, its a bang for buck and even brighter than the ace-g
My brightest truck light currently is a Jetbeam M1X. I don't have any of the others to really compare but it throws very well and has a runtime of right at an hour in high mode. Its not that compact but its fits well in the doorside map comparment of my 07 Nissan Frontier as well as in the map pocket on the side of the passenger seat for quick access. Then again compact to me now is relative. I used to carry two 4 D mags in clips on each door and a 6D behind the seat so I've really downsized. Build quality on the Jetbeam is excellent and while not quite on par with my Surefire lights its probably the best built foreign made light that I own or have used.