Brighter bulb for 2AA light?



Sorry if this was asked before - Newbie here.
Got a made in China 2AA maglite look alike for Christmas. Is there a brighter bulb I can replace the present one with? Thanks.
if it uses the same bulb as the mini mags you can go down to radio shack and get a krypton replacement. you can order one online(think its called nexstar or something) that is the brightest but after you pay for shipping you really would be better off with just getting a new light. let us know what type of bulb your light takes and maybe someone can suggest where to get a brighter one.
If you want to order the Brinkmann Nextsar xenon lamps, which are physically identical to the 2AA Mini Maglite lamps go here:

They cost $4.95 for a card of two, and shiping is *included* in the cost, so you really do pay only $2.50/ea., delivered.

They put out about double the light of the 2AA Mini Maglite, and it's much whiter, as well. I've put them in all of my 2AA, and 2AAA Mini Maglites. Of course, I'm not using my Mini Maglites much these days, but the Brinkmann xenon lamp is a big improvement over the 'standard' bulb found in the Mini Maglite, and I assume, it's many knock-offs.
I agree with Gandalf. Instead of a yellow, poor quality spot from the mini-mag, you get a much brighter, whiter poor quality spot.
Sure wish Mag-Light would do something with their reflector. TX