I find cool white LED's not that handy at all for true outdoors use. I'd definitely go with something neutral or warm. In case you don't know what I'm talking about here: A "cool" tint has a lot of blue and little red in it, "neutral" tints go more to sunlight white and "warm" are a bit yellowish white, like a good incandescent with new batteries. Tint really makes a huge difference outdoors. I notice this more and more as I start using my lights outdoors a lot more. Whatever light you get, no cool tinted LED's for outdoor use. They have way less throw and you recognize things a lot less than with neutral / warm tinted lights. Maybe an incandescent or HID would be even beter for your line of work, but those will probably be out of your budget.
If you want to stick with LED, I personally think the TK20 is your best option. It's more aimed at throw, but it's not a top-thrower pencil-beam torch so the hotspot is very useable and the sidespill is also very useable. Think wide focus and not-tiniest-spot-but-tight focus of your maglite LED at the same time (and a LOT brighter). You say you're going to use it in forests mainly? The hotspot will light up tops of trees and you can shine it down a path, but the sidespill will light a lot of your environment at the same time. I don't think the beam is going to be too narrow. But I don't have any experience in the kind of work you do. There are a couple beamshots of the TK20 and some of the other torches mentioned here on CPF. Look them up and decide if it does what you need.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. It can be a bit overwhelming when you're new to this and we all start throwing technical terms around which we consider normal but most people have never heard about.