Brinkmann Maxfires


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2007
Orlando, FL
Kicking myself that I didn't buy a Maxfire LX back while Wal-Mart and Target carried them based on FlashlightReviews; so I Googled and came back with this guy. Seems to be an LX, stretched to take a Magcharger-style battery stick. Price is $27.40, and I'm curious as to whether anyone's used this thing before, and what they think of it compared to current lights. How bright is this thing? FlashlightReviews suggests the Maxfire LX is running at 103 lumens based on his lightbox readings - yikes. Definitely looks too big for an EDC light, but pretty good overall, and a good mule for modding, apparently.
I'm guessing that it is about the same as a Surefire G2 with the rechargeable extention and battery. My guess is that you could modify it to run on Lithium Ion cells because of the extra length. I have a few Maxfire LX's. Easy to modify and pretty rugged. This one seems to be similar but longer. I think that there are a few threads about an upgraded battery for this one.
Buyer Beware!

I bought 2 of these directly from Brinkmann's website back in 2005. Both batteries on both lights were duds. I finally had a custom battery built at Batteries Plus. I never really go satisfactory results with the replacement battery, which makes me wonder if the charger was flukey, too?

Anyway, I ended up putting a P90 in it and 3 CR123As. It worked out pretty well. You could also probably experiment with other lamps and batteries. I made a dummy cell out of a dowel rod and some aluminum rod.

Send me a PM if you'd like to know more.

I find a few different Maxfires (and Maxfire LXs) at Academy Sport and Outdoors, $19.99.
I have an original Maxfire, brand new sealed in factory package, if you're interested. Actually, I have 2, but I'm saving the last one for me. I already use 2 of them in the car and garage and they are great throw-around lights which can take a beating.
it looks larger in the photo than it really is. i also used to use a p90 w/3xcr123's but have since put in a dx drop-in. still using the stock nicad's too. as far as stock performance with xenon, initial output is the same as the 2 x cr123 maxfire, but decreases very quickly. runtime, IIRC, was in the 20-30 minute range.

scroll down for size comparison.
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I cant find it online, but I think Basspro shops are selling maxfires as a house brand. Anyone that can confirm this?

Yes. It's the same light, it just has their logo on it instead and they bumped the price up a few dollars compared to the original.

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