Brinkmann Rebel L.E.D. 2AA Flashlight $17.95

If you want to see how fast you can be disappointed...

Seriously, If you want a Brinkmann, the one I'd recommend buying is the little black 1watt, 2xAA (Minimag LED size) they currently have at Wal-Mart. I picked one up as I lost my Civictor awhile back and wanted something AA based besides my SMJLED hosts. I did have both versions of the MiniMag LEDs but don't care for trying to push 3 watts with 2xAA.

I must say, I really like this light even if it's an older technology. Really impressed with the beam; it's smooth and even. Not to mention far and away better than the Rebel you're looking at. I had that one a couple years ago and gave it away for free.

I'm going to have to do a test on this light and see if it has a moon mode or suffers the same problems as Mag's 2xAA LED version. They also run around 3-4 bucks cheaper than that Rebel light as well. About 10 bucks cheaper than the Mag and construction feels pretty similar although this Brinkmann feels slimmer which I like.
I've had the light with the filters, and I'm not impressed. Its not very bright, and there are many other lights that are more worth the money.
If you want to see how fast you can be disappointed...

Seriously, If you want a Brinkmann, the one I'd recommend buying is the little black 1watt, 2xAA (Minimag LED size) they currently have at Wal-Mart. I picked one up as I lost my Civictor awhile back and wanted something AA based besides my SMJLED hosts. I did have both versions of the MiniMag LEDs but don't care for trying to push 3 watts with 2xAA.

I must say, I really like this light even if it's an older technology. Really impressed with the beam; it's smooth and even. Not to mention far and away better than the Rebel you're looking at. I had that one a couple years ago and gave it away for free.

I'm going to have to do a test on this light and see if it has a moon mode or suffers the same problems as Mag's 2xAA LED version. They also run around 3-4 bucks cheaper than that Rebel light as well. About 10 bucks cheaper than the Mag and construction feels pretty similar although this Brinkmann feels slimmer which I like.

I do like the looks of that light myself, but I don't like having to twist the head off and on.
Hey, guys. Anybody know if these lights Brinkmann's offering here on this page are LED based?
I'm seeing 1xAA, 1xAAA and liking it.

Looks like they've been a lot more busier than Wal-Mart would have you believe. from 1AAA to a 5D offering.

These have to be LED. It has my 2xAA model listed along with them as being the same line and it's a '1 watt' Lux.
I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on a few of these.
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Brinkmann and Dorcy are starting to make some really nice lights for the money.

You don't have to spend big bucks to get a good light.
One thing to watch out for is that some of the Dorcy 1-watt lights use a Nichia LED with an optic. :crazy:

I got a 3AAA model at Wal-Mart for $9.99. I got it home, installed the batteries and unloaded on the nearest unsuspecting white wall.

Eeeewww ... :green: ... nasty blueish-with-corona beam. :shakehead

I gave it away the first chance I got. :p
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