electric sheep
I am very new to this world and like all my interests i am becoming slightly obsessive. I now want a compact 700+ Lumen's set up for wild camping and domestic carry/use. It must be running on a high energy density rechargeable battery and have multiple settings for Max and min outputs. Looking at the Wolf Eyes again as they have a number of 700+ but i like the idea of a custom. Question is should i buy one or try and build one?
I understand the basis premise of Mag D cell conversion but not sure if i would be better of getting one that someone has made well and at a later date attempting my own having the benefit of seeing how it should be done. How would i approach to build me one? What cost am i looking at? Or should i go for a factory Jobie?
I understand the basis premise of Mag D cell conversion but not sure if i would be better of getting one that someone has made well and at a later date attempting my own having the benefit of seeing how it should be done. How would i approach to build me one? What cost am i looking at? Or should i go for a factory Jobie?