Hi all, whilst trying to work out how to mod a 4xAA light yesterday it dawned on me that I could pontentially drop one AA from the design and go from a resistor current controlled setup (as it currently is) to a regulated system but there wasn't enough space to do it. With some creative re-wiring I could potentially hard wire a dummy AA with a regulator in it, leaving room for the 3XAA to be changed at will, leaving everything else in place. :tinfoil:
Is that completely mad? Has anyone else done somthing similar? I'm strugging to find a regulator that will fit at the moment, all the ones I've seen tend to be circular, for torches!
22mmx19mm is the smallest I've found so far
Is that completely mad? Has anyone else done somthing similar? I'm strugging to find a regulator that will fit at the moment, all the ones I've seen tend to be circular, for torches!
22mmx19mm is the smallest I've found so far