Northern Lights
Flashlight Enthusiast
A few hours previous to last nights 1 a.m. application of Murphy's law I had a conversation with js where we concluded that at some point in time your favorite light becomes technologically obsolete but yet it still fills the niche and purpose that you put it to and that is how it became your favorite, or one of them. The likelihood is you will keep using it.
I have two Nuwai TM-800X3,
and run both on 4x C cells. I really recommend them in spite of newer technology in lights now available. I recently charged my 4 PowerX 5000 C's and let them rest a few days.
Last night at about 1 a.m. my furry burglar alarm went off! Yes, all ten (10) ankle biters decided there was something in the fenced back yard and if you ever had dogs for pets you can tell when they bark just how serious they are about the disturbance. They were very serious. In the past it has been meth-heads, illegal aliens, neighborhood drunks, bobcats, coyotes and collard peccaries and yes, I live in suburbia!
On my way out in the dark I grabbed a Glock and this is where Murphy starts working, I picked up the one without the weapons light. When my hand swept across the chest where a myriad of lights stood I felt that familiar grenade knurling of one of the Nuwais and so it went with me.
Here is where real life is different than the best laid plans. I had a real threat to respond to and no back up tools, only had just what was needed to get the job done. The TM-800X3 is tri-lux, the first press of the switch is one LED, 2cd press is two LEDs and the third is Three LEDs. On 4 Cs these lights can realistically surpass 200 torch-lumens it seems and are much brighter than on 3Ds. My first press I got nothing but a very dim glow. It looks like the LED was over powered and blew. The inherent nature and value of this light is the built-in back up, the second and third clicks gave me much needed light.
The intruder fled; near-naked men waving guns and glowing LEDs are a frightening sight but the truth is no one wants to go up against ankle biters!
The common mod for the TM-800X3 is to substitute 4C NiMh cells for the intended 3D Alkaline cells. Apparently the 0.3 volts over voltage on the one LED was too much; the circuits are three parallel circuits of the LED on a resistor. I run the other TM-800X3 on BatterySpace Powerizer 5000 and have had no problem with them. It is reported elsewhere the PowerX is a strong battery. Well, I am going to post in the mod section now because I think this repair warrants a Cree upgrade.
I have two Nuwai TM-800X3,
and run both on 4x C cells. I really recommend them in spite of newer technology in lights now available. I recently charged my 4 PowerX 5000 C's and let them rest a few days.
Last night at about 1 a.m. my furry burglar alarm went off! Yes, all ten (10) ankle biters decided there was something in the fenced back yard and if you ever had dogs for pets you can tell when they bark just how serious they are about the disturbance. They were very serious. In the past it has been meth-heads, illegal aliens, neighborhood drunks, bobcats, coyotes and collard peccaries and yes, I live in suburbia!
On my way out in the dark I grabbed a Glock and this is where Murphy starts working, I picked up the one without the weapons light. When my hand swept across the chest where a myriad of lights stood I felt that familiar grenade knurling of one of the Nuwais and so it went with me.
Here is where real life is different than the best laid plans. I had a real threat to respond to and no back up tools, only had just what was needed to get the job done. The TM-800X3 is tri-lux, the first press of the switch is one LED, 2cd press is two LEDs and the third is Three LEDs. On 4 Cs these lights can realistically surpass 200 torch-lumens it seems and are much brighter than on 3Ds. My first press I got nothing but a very dim glow. It looks like the LED was over powered and blew. The inherent nature and value of this light is the built-in back up, the second and third clicks gave me much needed light.
The intruder fled; near-naked men waving guns and glowing LEDs are a frightening sight but the truth is no one wants to go up against ankle biters!
The common mod for the TM-800X3 is to substitute 4C NiMh cells for the intended 3D Alkaline cells. Apparently the 0.3 volts over voltage on the one LED was too much; the circuits are three parallel circuits of the LED on a resistor. I run the other TM-800X3 on BatterySpace Powerizer 5000 and have had no problem with them. It is reported elsewhere the PowerX is a strong battery. Well, I am going to post in the mod section now because I think this repair warrants a Cree upgrade.
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