I just bought a Pila charger and a couple of AW 2600mAh 18650's which just came in the mail yesterday. I charged them for the first time today and, like an idiot, I put one in backwards. In my defense the positive terminal of the new 2600mAh 18650's from AW looks somewhat like a negative terminal. Anyway one finished charging in about 2 hours and the other obviously did not. After another two hours I took it out and realized my horrible mistake. In disgust I threw the battery in the garbage can. Then I came to my senses and dug it out of the garbage and measured the voltage: 3.85V. Hmmmm, could it be ok? I stuck it in the charger and it charged in about 2 hours. It barely got warm. Terminal voltage was 4.2V. Then I read on the forum that the Pila has some sort of reverse polarity protection. Boy am I glad I got the Pila!