Butt and battery saved by good battery charger!


Jan 7, 2005
California, CA
I just bought a Pila charger and a couple of AW 2600mAh 18650's which just came in the mail yesterday. I charged them for the first time today and, like an idiot, I put one in backwards. In my defense the positive terminal of the new 2600mAh 18650's from AW looks somewhat like a negative terminal. Anyway one finished charging in about 2 hours and the other obviously did not. After another two hours I took it out and realized my horrible mistake. In disgust I threw the battery in the garbage can. Then I came to my senses and dug it out of the garbage and measured the voltage: 3.85V. Hmmmm, could it be ok? I stuck it in the charger and it charged in about 2 hours. It barely got warm. Terminal voltage was 4.2V. Then I read on the forum that the Pila has some sort of reverse polarity protection. Boy am I glad I got the Pila!

Re: Battery Reversed Polarity In Charger

what would have happened without reverse polarity protection?
Hi TomBrooklyn,
Hopefully if the batteries where protected, nothing. Pcb should trip with too much current. If they are not protected then possible fire from the charger or battery vent with flames or explosion. AW's are suppose to just vent without flames or explosion. Another reason to buy AW's.
Good thread to read.