Flashlight Enthusiast
I went to Dereelights Website and there is no mention of how many amps this torch draws? Come to think of it there is also no mention of rated lumens???
The C2H pulls 1.0 amp on high according to Alan at Dereelight
Thanks, would you happen to know of the Lumen Rating? Not that it would really matter judging by the beam shots I have seen thus far...
Dereelight doesn't publish lumen ratings, most likely because they don't have the expensive equipment to measure it directly and don't feel like making estimates which may be inaccurate. But you can check my review of the C2H for beam shots. I've got comparisons with the EX10 which is rated at 130 lumens and the Extreme which is rather at 200.
I went to Dereelights Website and there is no mention of how many amps this torch draws? Come to think of it there is also no mention of rated lumens???
The few I've measured have been anywhere from 1.05 to 1.25 amps on high.
What would you recommend for an RCR that would handle that kind of load?
Dave, see sticky in electronics and batteries forum. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=117117
Skroll down to Powerizers, and compare to some others.
Dave, see sticky in electronics and batteries forum. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=117117
Skroll down to Powerizers, and compare to some others.
Thanks WadeF for checking on that. Glad to hear the C2H isn't pushing the cells beyond their safe limit.I checked with AW and he said 1.4A should be safe with his R123's, but that's about as hard as you want to run the cell while still being safe.
Anyone tried the new AW's IMR16340 rechargeable ?
Specifications :
Chemistry: LiMN
Nominal Voltage : 3.7V
Capacity : 550mAH
Lowest Discharge Voltage : 2.50V
Standard Charge : CC/CV ( max. charging rate 1.5A )
Cycle Life : > 500 cycles
Max. continuous discharge rate : 8C