Cabela's 12V 1.7 inch turbohead report


Sep 13, 2003
Well boys and girls, I just recieved my Cabela's 12V XPG Xenon Performance Head. This is the 1.7 inch turbo head, that is an advertised 240 lumens and costs $30 + $8 shipping. Digilight sold these before going out of business.
First of all, it is SureFire C/P body compatible. It seems to be level 2 black shiney annodizing. The machining is very good and the lens seems to be glass. I installed it on a SF 9P + extender body and every thing fits and works. I have a Leef 4 battery body on the way, that will be it's permanent home. In order to remove the bulb you unscrew the top third of the head and the reflector, with bulb, comes out. The bulb screws into the reflector just like all the G&P bulbs. I had hoped this bulb would exchange with other G&P 12V bulbs but, it will not. This Cabela's bulb has two long springs soldered onto it in order to make contact with the batteries in this long turbohead. This is the one problem with this set up. Cabela's does not sell replacement bulbs, I guess you just have to buy a whole new head. The manufacturer seems to be Ultimate-Lite of Hong Kong. They also have a Las Vegas office and I will be Emailing both of them and Cabela's to see if I can buy a replacement bulb. I'll post here to let you know the answer. BlackHawk carries this line of flashlights also, and charges $40 just for the bulb. Dont even ask what a whole flashlight costs from them. As stated earlier the whole head and bulb only cost $ 30 from Cabela's, so, that makes BlackHawk way over priced. The Head makes the flashlight a little front end heavy. The overall length, with the body and the tailcap is 8.5 inches.
Ok, now we get to what you relly want to know: PERFORMANCE. To my Mark 1 eyeball it seems fully 240 lumens. The beam size is somewhere between my SF M6 and my SF 12P(9P+extender+12V Digilight LA+ 1.25 SF bezel). For about $130, I think this light is very close to a SF M4 that costs $330. If I can find a replacement bulb for a decent price, this is a great flashlight for the money. Questions, comments?
as I understand it, the cabelas turbo head, the digilight turbo head, the spiderfire turbohead.. etc etc, are all just X series G&P heads.... I believe you can unscrew the bulb/base-springs assembly from the reflector assembly and screw in a G120 lamp, or a G90 lamp if you wanted to run 2x17670....(Or G140 lamp to run 4xRCR123), The bulb length might be slightly different, so it may change the beam shape a bit, but it should work as a much cheaper replacement lamp.

see if you can remove the lamp assembly from the head... does it look like this?
(but 12v of course)
MR. Cod, That G&P reflector is the same BUT, the Cabela's screw out bulb has a LONG rubber covered inner sping, and a LONG bare outer spring. I have a multimeter and I have done the tailcap measurement before but I am doing something wrong now. Can you walk me through it?
just remove the tailcap, set DMM to 10amp (or 20 amp) setting, move the "red" cable to the current testing plug on the DMM, put 1 wire on the back of the battery, and another somewhere on the body around the threads where you can complete the circuit. You are just trying to put the DMM into the same circuit completing space as the tailcap switch.
Mr. COD, Many thanks, it was just like getting back on a bycycle.:) 1.38
I played with the "12P" concept last fall, but didn't like the extra connection caused by the A19 extension. I ran the Digilight 12VHP and their Turbohead as well, both pulled about 1.25 A from four primary cells. About the fourth time I swapped from standard bezel to turbo, the outer spring detached itself from the bottom of the lamp assy. and the fun stopped. I now have a 1.7 inch paperweight...
