Cable Glands


Mar 17, 2009
London UK
Pack and 350xfire..
How are you fixing sealing your cableglands to your lids/heads?
I can imaging the threaded part of the gland maybe an entry point for water to enter into the cannister or light head?

What are you using to seal the thread?
A step by step process of what you do to put your cable glands in would be great..
Depending on the thickness of the material you are going to put the gland in, do you drill an m12/16 hole all the way through your lid or just deep enough to take up the thread of the gland?

350xfire where do you get your glands from? like the one you used on the oms cannister?

I have a load of these IP68 M12 glands but not sure they will do the job

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I got some of mine from ebay and some from add helium store, but that's an expensive way to do it.

I haven't yet found a UK supplier of the proper "salvo gland".
? UK

What are you using to seal the thread?
A step by step process of what you do to put your cable glands in would be great..
Depending on the thickness of the material you are going to put the gland in, do you drill an m12/16 hole all the way through your lid or just deep enough to take up the thread of the gland?

look library
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Get mine through Oxycheq.. Shipping to you may be expensive though.

I drill a 9/16 hole and tap it with M16x1.5
Then thread the gland in
The gland has an o ring on it so that seals.
For a margin of safety put some silicone around the threads
Be careful not to overtighten

Gland you posted should work well. Just watch for cable strain...
Get mine through Oxycheq.. Shipping to you may be expensive though.

I drill a 9/16 hole and tap it with M16x1.5
Then thread the gland in
The gland has an o ring on it so that seals.
For a margin of safety put some silicone around the threads
Be careful not to overtighten

Gland you posted should work well. Just watch for cable strain...

I have had issues with cable breaking at the gland due to lack of strain relief.
Spend the extra and get the Agro glands. They are worth it.
@ Goldigger .............under STICKY : DIVING LIGHTING LIBRARY yuo may found :

BEST DIY : (focus on best documentation of construction , repairs , including plans , pictures , movies , tests) great guide from WQILLIS how to with a lot of photos -step -by step

just for info H uses combinated AGRO glands manufactured by their order with prolonged thread for example :


normal agro have longest L : 6-7mm ( 4 coils only) normal ; cable 6-8,8mm ( in that series with long rubber cable protection )


that is possible to solve with ''reduction fitting '' (look my DIY canister 10Ah , I get 3 coils more and larger surface )

or to combine other Agro glands.
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Humm. Interesting. I did not realize the H was longer. I really like that, but I have had no issues with the standard ones...
Any type? Long or short?
I just e-mailed Oxyccheq to see what kind of deal we can get on 50-100 of the short ones.
If you get enough interested, and your looking at theses sort of numbers then why not just buy direct from the manufacturer?

Well, it's not that easy. The manufacturer wants to hear you want to order 10,000 per year. One hundred to them is chump change. I spoke to the US supplier, Maryland Metrics and they still wanted like $9 each for 100. Oxy sells them for $10 plus shipping and I know we can get a better price. So I figured Oxycheq qould be as good as any. Now I have a buddy from Sweden that lives next door (in the US) I may ask him to see if he can get some.
I have here in Slovenia very flexible dealer ( actually is very small electric shop / workshop) and I normaly order cca 30 different pieces with friend ( have to wait some 14 days)

I can ask him if is maybe preapaired to sell globall ( but tax, package and post ) will go over yours price for small deals.

If you can organise in USA and buy smal package I think price could fit.
No deal from Oxycheq!
I called one of my contacts in Fl to see if they can tell me the supplier so I can go direct and see. I have a feeling it will be Maryland Metrics though.

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