Newly Enlightened
I have a dead one of these. Cadex is VERY proprietary with their information, unwilling to release a service manual or even a schematic, and also stating it is at end-of-life and no longer repairable by them. Is there anyone who knows how to troubleshoot these? It intermittently works, but when it doesn't (most of the time) it bounces back between very high and very low voltage before showing error 129. It's like the regulator for charge/discharge is shorted or has lost control. If I set the C code for 0.05C charge/discharge it slowly ramps up the voltage during discharge to 1.73 volts before cutting out. The heatsink with one or two (can't see the inside one) LM317T regulators gets very hot. This is on all four bays, any pocket used. Fuses are good.