The parker gel ones write great but they last a day... Mayby 2 at school. What's a good smooth writing refill that will actually last?
There is just one refill that rules them all, it is almost unobtainable, I had to threaten the custom rep at the factory (with 15 roses at her office ). They are made by a company in Germany the make refills for all kinds of pen-manufacturers. They also make 1000-and-1 parts for them, like the inner of a mechanical pencil, fountain pens etc. Look at their website. Even most pen-shop owners don't know this company as it only delivers to other pen manufacturers...
Serious? Overhere it is unobtainable, I've had to order from the Netherlands at a guy in Belgium, who could order them in Germany. Took only 14 days to get it, but overhere it is really, really hard to get.
anyway, I really like their easyflow 9000's, but I guess I made that clear already
but now I'm curious: what do you think of the Schmidt Easyflow 9000?