Can Eneloops/Energizers Handle a 3.5ah Draw?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 19, 2008
Ambler P.A.
I have this crazy notion of building a M@G 3D with 4AA-D adapters
and powering a 35w mini ballast (DDM Brand) from

I allready tried alkalines, but they can't handle the startup current.
I was going to get some Energizer 2500ma batts to test it out, and
just return them if it didnt work. I just planned on using the little
round magnets from DX to put them all in series like i did with the
Alkalines. Since its a 12 cell setup running at 14.4v, the voltage
sage would put the Nimh (i think) at around 11 volts. I actually
tried a Regular 35w ballast on a 70watt external laptop battery
bank (APC brand UPB50 model) and it worked fine. I think the
Runtime was about 45 mins with the batteries inside @ 2600mh
18650's.. I dont know how many are inside, but it can output
from 16v to 19v by means of a little swith ontop. It Recharges
from a regular laptop power adapter, and comes with Many tips
to use with most brands. Anywho, i wanted to keep that APC
pack for my laptop, and just use regular nimh batts for a smaller
batt pack. I can actually cram the 35w slim DDM ballast inside
a M@G 3D along with the 12 batts. Soo, fitment isn't a problem.

Thanks All

Robert M.
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Hi Sabrewolf,
check this out:
from the threads of interest.

studying the eneloop chart, I think it's fair to say that you'll have an average voltage of around 13.8V under a 3.5A load, with a peak voltage on a fresh charge closer to 16V. The cells will be DEAD when the pack reaches 11V under a load.


PS: the energizers will work also, but don't waste your money, they are junk cells. they'll develop self-discharge rates so fast they won't be practical for anything.
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Hi Sabrewolf,
check this out:
from the threads of interest.

studying the eneloop chart, I think it's fair to say that you'll have an average voltage of around 13.8V under a 3.5A load, with a peak voltage on a fresh charge closer to 16V. The cells will be DEAD when the pack reaches 11V under a load.


PS: the energizers will work also, but don't waste your money, they are junk cells. they'll develop self-discharge rates so fast they won't be practical for anything.

Thank You!

I gots the Rayovac 1800's.
Out of the box, they powered up my 35w ballast and bulb quite nicely!
The initial current draw for 30 seconds went from 6.5ah down to around
3.5-4.0ah settled. Of course that was uncharged outta the package.
Soo, things look good, and i will proceed with the modifications to the
3D M@G that i have.. I just need my front glass lense and awooominum
reflector to complete the job. The Prototype will just have an external
ballast that measures 4x4x2 and will serve as a set-down base.
When i receive(if ever) the DDM Mini-Ballast, then i will make another
light that will be totally self contained.
If i make them for sale, i think around 250.00 should cover it...
Anyone interested? hehe

More to come, and pics too!

Robert M.:nana: