Flashlight Enthusiast
I have this crazy notion of building a M@G 3D with 4AA-D adapters
and powering a 35w mini ballast (DDM Brand) from
I allready tried alkalines, but they can't handle the startup current.
I was going to get some Energizer 2500ma batts to test it out, and
just return them if it didnt work. I just planned on using the little
round magnets from DX to put them all in series like i did with the
Alkalines. Since its a 12 cell setup running at 14.4v, the voltage
sage would put the Nimh (i think) at around 11 volts. I actually
tried a Regular 35w ballast on a 70watt external laptop battery
bank (APC brand UPB50 model) and it worked fine. I think the
Runtime was about 45 mins with the batteries inside @ 2600mh
18650's.. I dont know how many are inside, but it can output
from 16v to 19v by means of a little swith ontop. It Recharges
from a regular laptop power adapter, and comes with Many tips
to use with most brands. Anywho, i wanted to keep that APC
pack for my laptop, and just use regular nimh batts for a smaller
batt pack. I can actually cram the 35w slim DDM ballast inside
a M@G 3D along with the 12 batts. Soo, fitment isn't a problem.
Thanks All
Robert M.
and powering a 35w mini ballast (DDM Brand) from
I allready tried alkalines, but they can't handle the startup current.
I was going to get some Energizer 2500ma batts to test it out, and
just return them if it didnt work. I just planned on using the little
round magnets from DX to put them all in series like i did with the
Alkalines. Since its a 12 cell setup running at 14.4v, the voltage
sage would put the Nimh (i think) at around 11 volts. I actually
tried a Regular 35w ballast on a 70watt external laptop battery
bank (APC brand UPB50 model) and it worked fine. I think the
Runtime was about 45 mins with the batteries inside @ 2600mh
18650's.. I dont know how many are inside, but it can output
from 16v to 19v by means of a little swith ontop. It Recharges
from a regular laptop power adapter, and comes with Many tips
to use with most brands. Anywho, i wanted to keep that APC
pack for my laptop, and just use regular nimh batts for a smaller
batt pack. I can actually cram the 35w slim DDM ballast inside
a M@G 3D along with the 12 batts. Soo, fitment isn't a problem.
Thanks All
Robert M.
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