Can I modify my rechargable MagLite to LED?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 2, 2009
Can I modify my rechargable MagLite to LED? It's the full size rechargable model. Pretty old light, I think the batteries are going to go soon? The thing looks brand new. I would like to make it a real blaster of a LED light.

#1 Any recomendations for parts or a place/person I could send it to to modify it for me?

#2 How long do the batteries in these type Mag lights last? Is there a right or good kind of battery I should replace the stock batteries with when they go out? Can I replace them and they will still charge on the OEM charging mount that my MagLite came with?

I know this is the LED forum, but why not try modding it for more power? There are a few Incan options that can really brighten your light (no pun) without replacing too many parts

Check out the Incan forum for more ideas! :naughty:

As for LED options, maybe the light gurus can help out here.

Well I think this is probably your best upgrade for a lot of light out the Magcharger model.

You can also get a new rechargeable battery stick that can still be charged in the in light on the charger stand.

Not sure what the factory battery is rated for or even what type of battery it is. The one I listed above should be a pretty good replacement though. Specs are contained in the links of both products and should provide well above what your looking for.

Can I modify my rechargable MagLite to LED? It's the full size rechargable model. Pretty old light, I think the batteries are going to go soon? The thing looks brand new. I would like to make it a real blaster of a LED light.

#1 Any recomendations for parts or a place/person I could send it to to modify it for me?

#2 How long do the batteries in these type Mag lights last? Is there a right or good kind of battery I should replace the stock batteries with when they go out? Can I replace them and they will still charge on the OEM charging mount that my MagLite came with?


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